Excellence, relevance and responsibility in education and science

With around 4,000 students and 200 researchers, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University is one of the largest economics faculties in Germany. Our faculty focuses on joint development. Through active participation and transparent development paths, we promote responsibility and support each other on the path to personal and collective success. We strive for excellence through disciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, are regionally rooted and internationally networked, and maintain continuous dialogue and appreciation as the cornerstones of our teaching, research and knowledge transfer.

This is what is currently keeping us busy


Lebenswege, die in­spir­i­er­en: Er­st­mals ver­liehen, der Horst Gräfer-Pre­is

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Die Führung­skräfte von mor­gen - Pader­borner Stu­dentin er­hält den Förder­preis „In­ter­na­tion­al Part­ner­ship Pro­gram (IPP)“

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Pader­born sci­ent­ists se­cure the fu­ture of the Soot frame­work for pro­gram­mers with "Fu­tureSoot"

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Sum­mer School "Ho­Bid" on re­search on high­er edu­ca­tion brought to­geth­er early ca­reer re­search­ers from all over the world

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Young re­search­er Raquel Tusi Tami­osso from Brazil vis­its the De­part­ment of Busi­ness Edu­ca­tion

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"Uni Un­der­ground" in Pader­born Uni­ver­sity city centre

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Shap­ing di­git­al trans­form­a­tion re­spons­ibly

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PAR­SEC kick-off: "Meet & Greet" with joint plant­ing cam­paign

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Gym­nas­i­um Theodori­an­um wins the sixth form quiz

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Ex­change ideas at the an­nu­al re­search work­shop

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Top rat­ings for our Mas­ter's de­gree pro­grammes

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We con­grat­u­late our gradu­ates

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Organisation of the faculty

As governing bodies, the Faculty Board and the Dean's Office are responsible for the organisation and further development of research and teaching at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The Faculty Administration supports the committees and all faculty members in the fulfilment of their tasks. The various teaching and research areas of our Faculty are organised in a total of six departments.

We conduct research to rethink the economy together

Regulation and transparency, work in digitalisation, modern and innovative value generation, handling data, designing education and training, sustainability - our faculty's research focuses on the current challenges facing our society. Our researchers are united by the goal of understanding and helping to shape an increasingly complex, digitalised and networked world.

Re­search pro­jects

Our researchers are involved in both basic and application-orientated research. We are involved in two Collaborative Research Centres, including as spokesperson for the first SFB in business administration. Further third-party-funded collaborative and individual projects demonstrate our broad spectrum of research.

Viele Personen sitzen in einem Raum.

Know­ledge trans­fer

Teaching, research and transfer are based on a constant dialogue between all members of our faculty, Paderborn University and society. We move the world through this dialogue and it is based on mutual appreciation. We make time for dialogue.

We offer diversity in business studies

For a future in which we enjoy living and working, we need new economic thinking in all areas. We need digitization experts, number crunchers, pioneers, managers, globalization strategists, teachers and inventors. As one of the largest economics departments in Germany, we can think and teach economics in many different ways. We offer both generalist and specialized economics degree programs. Our motto: diverse - international - practical - personal! We are looking forward to new companions who want to rethink business together with us!

Fok­us Nach­haltigkeit

Wir richten unser Handeln nachhaltig aus, um der globalen Verantwortung und einer zukunftsfähigen Gestaltung der Gesellschaft, der Generationengerechtigkeit und dem Erhalt der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen gerecht zu werden. Auch in unseren Studiengängen wird das Thema Nachhaltigkeit stets eingebunden.

We are look­ing for ex­change


With over 70 collaborations worldwide, we welcome international students as well as excellent researchers* and promote international mobility for all faculty members.

Globally networked


By focusing on modern research topics, we are always attractive for cooperation with practice. In close cooperation with a wide variety of practice partners, research and teaching are aligned with current issues and implemented.

Locally anchored

The Faculty as an employer

We are always looking for bright minds who share our passion for education and research. Take a look at our current vacancies and find your opportunity to become part of our community of scientists, teachers and science managers. Start your journey into science with us!

Awards and honours


Top rat­ings for our Mas­ter's de­gree pro­grammes

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Teach­ing Award 2023: Prof Dr Kirsten Thommes and Prof Dr Si­mon Trang re­ceive award from the fac­ulty

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Awards for out­stand­ing achieve­ments in re­search in­to tax com­plex­ity

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Hon­our­ing out­stand­ing theses

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The di­git­al trans­form­a­tion of city centres

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Pader­born stu­dent Lea Christine Peter re­ceives Sch­malen­bach Schol­ar­ship

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Hall of Fame

Important personalities from the Faculty are inducted into the Hall of Fame. The Faculty honours the outstanding work of its former members in business and public life. Their professional successes and commitment are also a source of inspiration for today's students, lecturers, researchers and guests.

Learn more

Get in touch with us!

Dekanat Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Room Q0.210
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn