Equal opportunities to study and work

Equal study and work opportunities characterise the profile of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The Faculty's Equal Opportunities Officer is therefore committed to equality, work-life balance, equal opportunities and mutual appreciation.


Peer-Mentoring-Programm "Einblick!" für Studentinnen mit Promotionsinteresse

Das 6-monatige Programm richtet sich an Studentinnen aller Fachbereiche, die sich in der mittleren Master- oder Studienabschlussphase befinden, sich über die Option ‚Promotion‘ informieren und für sich entscheiden möchten, ob dies der passende Weg ist. Die Bwerbungsfrist ist der 15.02. Am 20.01. findet eine Infoveranstaltung via Zoom statt.

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Antisemitismus Veranstaltungen

Die Universität Paderborn bietet im Sommersemester 2024 und Wintersemester 2024/25 eine Veranstaltungsreihe zu Antisemitismus, Islamfeindlichkeit und dem Nahost-Konflikt an. In Kooperation mit verschiedenen Partnern erhalten Hochschulangehörige Fachwissen und Handlungsperspektiven für den Umgang mit diesen Themen im Studien- und Arbeitsalltag.

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The Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics represents the interests of female students, non-academic staff, academic staff and professors. The Equal Opportunities Officer's tasks include ensuring equal rights for women and men in all status groups, providing advice and support in cases of sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination, and working to promote the compatibility of family, studies and career.


The areas of responsibility include in particular

- Equal opportunities for women and men in our faculty

- Participation in meetings of the faculty

- Advice on appointment and recruitment procedures

- Participation in the audit family-friendly university

- Developing and supporting the implementation of the women's advancement plan


If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us. Suggestions and ideas are also very welcome.

Gender equality measures at the Faculty 


The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics regards the diversity of its members as a special potential. Our students and employees are characterised by diversity in age, gender, gender identity, social background, sexual orientation, religion, ideology, physical and mental abilities, ethnic origin and nationality. We want to promote and utilise this diversity of personalities.

Equal opportunities, appreciation and respect for all faculty members are among the core points of our shared value orientation and form the basis for the organisation of study and working conditions at our faculty.

In­form­a­tion for Stu­dents

Peer mentoring "Einblick!" for female students

The peer mentoring programme "Einblick!" offers female graduates and students in the final phase of studies the opportunity to discuss the prospect of a doctorate with other female students. A doctoral candidate accompanies the participants as a mentor, reports from her own experience and provides support in the decision-making process.

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One-to-one meetings and individual coaching

News studies show that many students find it difficult to find their own learning rhythm and develop good time management, especially at the beginning of their studies. This often leads to excessive demands and stress. To prevent these difficulties, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics offers WiWi coaching.

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Förderpreis für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten &Dissertationen mit Fokus auf Geschlecht&Diversity

In einer Welt, die von Vielfalt geprägt ist und in der Geschlecht und Diversität zentrale Faktoren für wirtschaftliche, soziale und politische Entwicklungen darstellen, ist es unerlässlich, diesen Aspekten gebührende Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 15. September des jeweiligen Ausschreibungsjahres.


Compatibility of studying and parenthood

The compatibility of studying and parenthood raises many questions. Questions about financing your studies and organising your studies with a child already arise during pregnancy. But many parents are also concerned about organising and financing childcare even before their child is born.

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Compatibility of care responsibilities and studies

Students with family responsibilities have the opportunity to complete coursework and examinations within an extended processing time if necessary (family paragraph). Students can also take a leave of absence from their studies to care for close relatives who have already been awarded a degree of care.

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Parent-child room (library)

For parents belonging to the university, the group study room on level 4 (BI4.099) is (also) equipped as a parent-child room. Work tables with power connections for notebooks are available for parents and there is seating, books and toys for the children.

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Childcare at Paderborn University

Paderborn University provides parents who study or work at Paderborn University with various childcare options to help them balance their studies and family life. In addition to two university daycare centers, there is also a short-term childcare facility (PUKi), "substitute grandparents" and the Kangaroo Project.

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In­form­a­tion for Gradu­ates and Doc­tor­al Can­did­ates

Institution of a 0.5 WiMi position / human resources pool for female graduates (funding line 1)

In order to support the best female graduates, the Presidential Board of Paderborn University has institutionalised a pool of personnel funds as part of the implementation of the equal opportunities concept, from which it is possible to finance approx. 5 half positions for academic staff per year as start-up funding for the development of a doctoral thesis topic for 1 year

Funding line 1 (PDF)

Qualification programme for young scientists

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics has funds available for the academic and professional qualification of female junior professors, research assistants, doctoral candidates and suitable Master's students. These include qualification and networking trips as well as personnel and material resources.

Learn more (PDF)

Qualification programme for early career researchers with care responsibility

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics would like to support academics with care responsibilities in reconciling academic and family responsibilities. This support explicitly concerns all genders and applies both to the compatibility of parenthood and caring for relatives.

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Reisekostenzuschüsse für Tagungs-, Informations- und Forschungsreisen

Zur Unterstützung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs werden Tagungs-, Informations- und Forschungsreisen aus den Mitteln der Forschungskommission gefördert. Anträge auf Reisekostenzuschüsse können von Juniorprofessor*innen, wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitenden, Stipendiat*innen sowie Promovierenden der Universität Paderborn gestellt werden.

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Förderpreises für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten &Dissertationen mit Fokus auf Geschlecht&Diversity

In einer Welt, die von Vielfalt geprägt ist und in der Geschlecht und Diversität zentrale Faktoren für wirtschaftliche, soziale und politische Entwicklungen darstellen, ist es unerlässlich, diesen Aspekten gebührende Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 15. September des jeweiligen Ausschreibungsjahres.


Mentoring programme for female doctoral candidates

The aim of the Paderborn mentoring programme is to support female doctoral candidates during their doctorate and to network them across disciplines. The programme makes it possible to get to know, concretise and carefully examine the options of a career in science and academia with the help of experienced mentors.

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Certificate programme: Qualification for professional fields in business and society

The new NRW certificate programme is designed to help you prepare for fields of activity outside the university. These include activities in business and society, but also activities at universities of applied sciences and non-university research institutions.

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Reconciling work and parenthood

The compatibility of family and career raises many questions. Questions about maternity protection and financial benefits during this time already arise during pregnancy. But many parents-to-be are also concerned about parental leave and parental allowance even before their child is born.

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Compatibility of caring responsibilities and career

Caring for relatives is a major challenge for employees in terms of time, physical and mental health. Reconciling caring responsibilities with work requires flexibility in terms of time and individual solutions for organising working hours.

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Childcare at Paderborn University

Paderborn University provides parents who study or work at Paderborn University with various childcare options to help them balance their work and family life. In addition to two university daycare centers, there is also a short-term childcare facility (PUKi), "substitute grandparents" and the Kangaroo Project.

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In­form­a­tion for Ju­ni­or Pro­fess­ors and Postdocs

Support for female Junior Professors and Postdocs with a 0.5 WiMi position (funding line 2)

In order to support female junior professors and postdoctoral researchers at Paderborn University, the President's Office has institutionalised a pool for WiMi positions as part of the implementation of the gender equality concept.

Funding line 2 (PDF)

Förderung von Forschungsprojekten

Aus den Mitteln der Forschungskommission können Personal- und Sachmittel zur Unterstützung eines Drittmittelantrags oder eines Kleinprojektes gefördert werden. Antragsteller müssen mindestens promoviert sein. Es sollte in der Antragsbegründung insbesondere der Nutzen für die Fakultät und, falls möglich, für den wiss. Nachwuchs herausgestellt werden

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Collegial coaching for female scientists in the Post-Doc phase

As part of the peer coaching, you will have time and space to set specific goals and work on these goals in dialogue with the other group members, learn new ways and celebrate successes. In addition to this personal goal development, you will train your counselling and communication skills in interaction with each other.

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Certificate programme: Qualification for professional fields in business and society

The new NRW certificate programme is designed to help you prepare for fields of activity outside the university. These include activities in business and society, but also activities at universities of applied sciences and non-university research institutions.

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Reconciling work and parenthood

The compatibility of family and career raises many questions. Questions about maternity protection and financial benefits during this time already arise during pregnancy. But questions about parental leave and parental allowance also concern many parents-to-be even before the birth of their child.

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Compatibility of caring responsibilities and career

Caring for relatives is a major challenge for employees in terms of time, physical and mental health. Reconciling caring responsibilities with work requires flexibility in terms of time and individual solutions for organising working hours.

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Childcare at Paderborn University

Paderborn University provides parents who study or work at Paderborn University with various childcare options to help them balance their work and family life. In addition to two university daycare centers, there is also a short-term childcare facility (PUKi), "substitute grandparents" and the Kangaroo Project.

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In­form­a­tion for Pro­fess­ors

Incentive system to increase the proportion of women in professorships (funding line 3)

As part of the implementation of the gender equality concept, the Presidential Board has institutionalised an "incentive system to increase the proportion of women in professorships" to promote young female academics. Upon application, up to €30,000 can be made available to the appointing faculty for gender equality measures for each appointment accepted.

Funding line 3 (PDF)


Ziel ist es, den Anteil der weiblichen Forschenden und Lehrenden zu erhöhen und herausragende weibliche Forscherinnen aus unterschiedlichen wirtschaftlichen Disziplinen für qualitativ hochwertige Gastvorträge, Blockseminare oder Lehrveranstaltungen sowie einen fruchtbaren Wissensaustausch an die Fakultät zu bringen.


Reconciling work and parenthood

The compatibility of family and career raises many questions. Questions about maternity protection and financial benefits during this time already arise during pregnancy. But many parents-to-be are also concerned about parental leave and parental allowance even before their child is born.

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Compatibility of caring responsibilities and career

Caring for relatives is a major challenge for employees in terms of time, physical and mental health. Reconciling caring responsibilities with work requires flexibility in terms of time and individual solutions for organising working hours.

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Childcare at Paderborn University

Paderborn University provides parents who study or work at Paderborn University with various childcare options to help them balance their work and family life. In addition to two university daycare centers, there is also a short-term childcare facility (PUKi), "substitute grandparents" and the Kangaroo Project.

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In­form­a­tion for non-sci­entif­ic em­ploy­ees

Internal training and further education

The varied course programme is aimed at all employee groups and fields at Paderborn University. The courses on offer cover the areas of communication, leadership, work techniques and self-management, health and safety, administration and organisation, information technology, family and equality as well as career planning.

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Reconciling work and parenthood

The compatibility of family and career raises many questions. Questions about maternity protection and financial benefits during this time already arise during pregnancy. But many parents-to-be are also concerned about parental leave and parental allowance even before their child is born.

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Compatibility of caring responsibilities and career

Caring for relatives is a major challenge for employees in terms of time, physical and mental health. Reconciling caring responsibilities with work requires flexibility in terms of time and individual solutions for organising working hours.

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Childcare at Paderborn University

Paderborn University provides parents who study or work at Paderborn University with various childcare options to help them balance their work and family life. In addition to two university daycare centers, there is also a short-term childcare facility (PUKi), "substitute grandparents" and the Kangaroo Project.

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Eine umfassende Liste verfügbarer Stipendien bietet Studierenden die Möglichkeit, finanzielle Unterstützung oder gezielte Förderprogramme für die akademische Laufbahn zu finden.

Mit einem Klick hier öffnet sich die Stipendienübersicht.

Sich­er­heitsser­vice für Frauen

Die Universität Paderborn bietet speziell für Frauen eine Reihe von Sicherheitsleistungen an, die insbesondere in den Abendstunden und am Wochenende genutzt werden können. Diese Angebote umfassen:

1. Begleitservice

Von 20:00 bis 24:00 Uhr besteht die Möglichkeit sich vom Universitätsgelände zum Parkplatz oder der Bushaltestelle begleiten zu lassen.

2. Bodyakarmgeräte

Ein Bodyalarmgerät kann in der Universitätsbibliothek ausgeliehen werden.

3. Lesearbeitsplätze für Frauen

In der Bibliothek stehen in der Zeit von 20:00 bis 24:00 Uhr Lesearbeitsplätze für Frauen zur Verfügung.


Detaillierte Informationen zu den Sicherheitsservices und deren Nutzung sind hier abrufbar.

Con­tact us

WiWi Gleichstellung

Gleichstellung Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Room Q1.313
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

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The team of the Equal Opportunities Office

Leonie Marie Gotzeina

More about the person

Kim Lea Homisse

More about the person

Fur­ther con­tacts

Central Equal Opportunities Officer

Topics, institutions and programmes relevant to gender equality as well as support measures are presented here. You will also find information about equality-related measures and activities at Paderborn University. (Dr Annika Hegemann: annika.hegemann@uni-paderborn.de)

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Maternity and parental leave

Here you will find information on maternity and parental leave. (Dr Birgit Kocks / Dr Sebastian Buck: familie@wiwi.upb.de)

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The Family Service Office is a counselling centre for students and employees of Paderborn University and supports you in reconciling studies/work and family life. (Dipl. Päd. Barbara Pickhardt: barbara.pickhardt@upb.de)

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Diversity Officer

Laura Maring (laura.maring@upb.de)

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Contacts for people with disabilities

Here you will find support in applying for compensation for disadvantages, accessibility of rooms, orientation aids, needs-based implementation of stays abroad and internships and much more (Kathrin Weber: kathrin.weber@uni-paderborn.de)

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Counselling and complaints at Paderborn University

The Equal Opportunities Office has compiled an overview of internal options for action in cases of discrimination and harassment at UPB, a list of contact points for those affected, a memory protocol for those affected and witnesses and a discussion and action guide for contact persons and counsellors.

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