Wel­come to the Chair of Ger­man and In­ter­na­tion­al Cor­por­ate Law!

Corporate law is the branch of private law that deals with the law of companies. It includes, in particular, company law, commercial law and capital market law, but also references to other areas of business-related private law such as banking law, consumer protection law and general civil law.

In teaching, we teach students the basic legal structures of the aforementioned areas of law and contribute to the further development of the law through research, combining legal and economic research methods. The overarching goal is to contribute to overcoming the challenges that companies face in a digitalised and internationally interconnected economy.

Our re­search

The research focus of the chair is on analysing the legal relationships of companies. Specifically, our academic work addresses the following fields: Corporate law, banking and capital market law, consumer protection law, antitrust and competition law

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Our teach­ing

David Bartlitz is particularly interested in modern teaching that is geared towards the needs and interests of students. From a didactic point of view, he therefore endeavours to create activating and inclusive forms of teaching (in particular on the basis of inverted classroom concepts and the inclusion of social media).

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Law & or­der ... some drinks!

... every last Wednesday of the month, 8 pm at WEEKEND, Rosenstraße 25, 33098 Paderborn - only during the lecture period! Simply drop by without registering and have a relaxed chat with the staff of the Department of Business Law over a few drinks. All UPB students are welcome!

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