Any questions?

On this page you will find all the important information that you should take into account when registering and deregistering for modules. Please read the following information carefully. If you have any subject-related questions, you can contact the Academic Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics by e-mail at any time.

Mod­ule re­gis­tra­tion

Gen­er­al pro­ced­ure


Register for all modules in PAUL that you would like to complete in the coming semester within the current registration phase, taking into account the 45 ECTS limit. Complete re-registration is required for enrolment. Information on re-registration can be obtained from the Registrar's Office. The registration of the following components must be ensured:

  1. Module registration (M.184.XXXX/ M.IBS.XXXX)
  2. Course registration(course registration via K.184.XXXXX/K.IBS.XXXXX)
  3. Exam registration (takes place implicitly for M.184. /M.IBS. modules)

As a rule of thumb: Always register for all courses that you can see within a module.


For degree programmes that require a choice of specialisation:

If no modules appear in a field, you may need to make a major/minor selection beforehand. You can find the menu item in PAUL under Studies > Semester administration > Select specialisation/minor.

No "first come, first served" prin­ciple


There is generally no "first come, first served" principle for module registration at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The success of your admission is independent of the time of your registration for modules with limited participation.

Exception in the B.Sc. and M.Sc. International Business Studies: This does not apply to the small groups in the IBS language courses (K.IBS.XXXXX), where places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

45-ECTS lim­it


The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics has a limit of 45 ECTS credits per semester. The limit becomes active after the first en rolment phase and after the revision phase, so that you can enrol for more ECTS credits within the current enrolment phases. Please make sure that you have not registered more than 45 ECTS credits at the end of each registration phase, otherwise your last registered modules will be automatically deleted.

Module registrations and registrations for so-called repeater courses ("new module and examination registrations") are taken into account in the 45 ECTS limit. To reduce the ECTS volume, you must therefore deregister from the modules (M.184.XXXX) or repeat courses (K.184.XXXX9). Deregistration from the courses or the examination alone is NOT sufficient.

Once modules have been cancelled, they cannot be restored. The ECTS points for a registered or to be registered thesis do not fall under the limit.

If you would like to take more than 45 ECTS credits in one semester, you have the option of sending an informal application (including a detailed explanation + list of grades + modules to be taken) to the Examination Board by email to the Academic Office( before the end of the first registration phase.

The PAUL forms are not sufficient at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and will not be accepted.

Re­gis­tra­tion in the de­sired field of the ex­am­in­a­tion reg­u­la­tions


The registration screen in PAUL reflects the structure of the examination regulations and the module catalogue. When registering for modules, it is in your own interest to ensure that you register the respective module in the desired field of your examination regulations (e.g. business administration module, methods module, elective module), especially if the module can be assigned to several fields.

Please note that until you have entered the grade in a module, you will no longer be able to track its assignment to the field of your examination regulations. Subsequent re-registration of the course by the Examinations Office is only possible in absolutely exceptional cases.

Ac­cess to PANDA courses


If you have registered correctly for your modules and the associated courses in PAUL, you will automatically receive access to the corresponding PANDA courses. Access to PANDA is important as the course material and written submissions are usually organised via PANDA. If you are unable to (fully) complete an examination due to a missed module and course registration, the responsibility lies with you.

How do you get ac­cess to your PANDA courses?


The chairs can choose how to register for the PANDA courses.


  1. Option: Transfer from PAUL (standard case): All those who have registered for the courses in PAUL are automatically transferred to the PANDA course. After registration in PAUL, the transfer takes about 24 hours.
  2. Option: Self-enrolment: You search for your course in PANDA using the course number or course title. You can either enrol directly or you will be asked for a password. If you do not know the password, please ask the chair for it.
  3. Option: Manual enrolment via the chair: The chair uses the participation lists to add all participants to the course manually.


Therefore, if you do not have access to a PANDA course, please first check whether you have registered for the courses within the module in question. If you do not have access after 24 hours, please check the other options mentioned above and otherwise enquire with the chair offering the module.

First-time mod­ule par­ti­cip­a­tion


When you register for a module for the first time, you are also registered for the examination (see My examinations in PAUL). You therefore do not need to register separately for examinations in modules offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

Re­peated mod­ule par­ti­cip­a­tion


If you have already registered for a module in the past and want to take it again because you deregistered from the examination in a previous semester or failed the module due to illness, you must register for the so-called repeat course ("Erneute Modul- und Prüfungsanmeldung") in PAUL. In this case, another course "K.184.XXXX9 Renewed module and examination registration for M.184.XXXX" will appear next to the courses in PAUL within the module concerned, for which you must register.

Please note that registration for the repeat course is legally the same as exam registration, but this will only be technically implemented in stages after the end of the revision phase. Only then will your exam registration made via the "Renewed module and exam registration" be displayed in PAUL under My exams.

You must also register for the individual courses in the module. Please note that there is no separate button with which you can re-register for the module. In particular, the module in question will not appear under Accepted module registrations(Semester administration > Status of my registrations > Accepted module registrations) as you have already registered for it in the past.

If you are taking a module again and are unable to re-register for the module and examination in PAUL, please contact the Student Administration Office( before the end of an ongoing registration phase. If you are not registered for the repeat course after the end of the registration phase, you will not be registered for the examination and will not be able to complete the module.

Re­gis­tra­tion of third-party tests


If you are in the third attempt of a module, you cannot register for courses and examinations independently in PAUL. You can apply to register for third attempts in writing by emailing this form to your examinations office during the first registration or revision phase.

Your third attempt will only be registered by the Examinations Office approximately two weeks after the end of the revision phase, so the examination will only be visible in PAUL under My examinations.

Check ex­am re­gis­tra­tions


In any case, please check in PAUL under Studies > Exam administration > My exams whether you are registered for all the desired exams. If this is not the case, please contact the Student Administration Office( immediately.

Sub­sequent mod­ule re­gis­tra­tion


Please ensure that you register for all modules and examinations that you wish to take during the semester by the end of the revision period. This also applies to exam registration via the "renewed module and exam registration". If you have any questions about module or examination registration, please contact the Student Office by email at any time(

Subsequent module or examination registration outside the first registration or revision phase is not possible and is not covered by your examination regulations.

The PAUL forms are not sufficient at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and will not be accepted.


Sus­pen­ded semester (4-semester rule)


The 4-semester rule applies to all Bachelor's degree programmes in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. This means that you are barred from taking modules in the profiling phase if you have not completed the assessment phase after the fourth semester. As soon as you have completed the assessment phase, you may choose modules from the profiling phase again without restriction, but within the 45-ECTS limit.

Mod­ules with lim­ited par­ti­cip­a­tion


The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics has modules with limited participation, for which only a limited number of participants can be admitted. Modules with participation restrictions can only be registered for during the first registration phase. If a module has such a participation limit, you will find a corresponding note in the module catalogue. In addition, the Office of Student Affairs publishes a list on the following page each semester. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.

Based on the enrolment figures from the first enrolment phase, the decision can be made to block modules for further enrolments in the revision phase. Conversely, it is also possible that modules that were originally designated as limited will be opened during the revision phase.

Before the start of the revision phase, the participation and waiting lists for modules with limited participation can be found on this page. It also lists which modules will be closed to further registrations in PAUL during the revision phase. The modules will be bundled into several groups.

During the revision phase, regular updates to the participation and waiting lists will be made and announced on the above-mentioned page or in a news entry.

Re­gis­tra­tion of ad­di­tion­al mod­ules


It is possible to take additional modules from the modules offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. These modules can be shown on the certificate with the grade achieved, but are not included in the calculation of the final grade and therefore do not count towards the number of ECTS points required for your desired degree. You may take up to 20 ECTS credits in the additional area of your degree programme.

The following regulations apply to the registration and booking of additional modules:

  • You can only choose additional modules from the Bachelor's programme offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics if you have fully completed the first year of study.
  • Modules with participation restrictions cannot be booked as additional modules.
  • It is only possible to register for additional modules if all fields of your examination regulations in which the modules can be selected have already been completed. For example: A methods module can only be booked as an additional module if the grade-relevant methods field, elective field, economics field, etc. have already been completed.
  • Only students of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics can take modules as additional modules without a special application.
  • Students of the B.Sc. in Sports Economics can choose additional modules from the complete Bachelor's module programme in Economics.

If you would like to take a module as an additional module, please register for the module yourself in PAUL and send an e-mail to the Office of Student Affairs( by the end of the revision period, requesting that the module be booked in the additional area. Please attach a current screenshot of your performance overview to your e-mail. The module will be rebooked if the above conditions are met.

Bring­ing for­ward mas­ter mod­ules (20/20 rule)


The 20/20 rule defines the bringing forward of Master's modules. Bachelor's students who lack up to 20 ECTS credits to complete their degree programme may bring forward Master's modules totalling up to 20 ECTS credits. Please note that the acquisition of credits for a Master's degree programme does not entail a corresponding confirmation of a study place.

  1. In the B.Sc. International Business Studies and B.Sc. Business Administration and Economics, at least 160 ECTS relevant to the degree must have been acquired in order to be able to bring forward.
  2. In the B.Sc. in Business Informatics, at least 158 ECTS credits relevant to the degree must have been acquired in order to bring forward the programme.
  3. Master's modules can only be brought forward during the revision phase. Modules with limited participation may not be brought forward.
  4. Admission is only valid for one semester. It is only possible to retake an early Master's examination that has not been passed after enrolment in the corresponding Master's degree programme.
  5. This regulation can only be utilised once.
  6. The required application must be sent by email to the relevant examination board via the study office( In your email, please state the final selection of Master's modules (including module numbers) that you wish to bring forward and attach a news screenshot of your transcript of records. Please note that once modules have been registered, they can no longer be changed or exchanged.

En­rol­ment in Stu­di­um Gen­erale mod­ules for non-fac­ulty mem­bers


Selected modules from the range of Economics modules can also be included in the Studium Generale of other degree programmes. If you are interested, please contact the study office by e-mail(

Mod­ule de­re­gis­tra­tion



It is possible to deregister from a module during the 1st registration and revision phase in PAUL (under Studies > Semester administration > Status of my registrations).

The decisive factor is the deregistration from the module(M.184.XXXX). Deregistration from courses associated with the module(K.184.XXXXX) has no relevance, as you will only be deregistered from the examination if you deregister from the module.

By deregistering from a module or examination, you are not obliged to take the module again at a later date, unless it is a compulsory module in your degree programme.

Mod­ules with lim­ited par­ti­cip­a­tion


Please note that a shortened revision period applies for modules with limited participation, i.e. the option to deregister from the module ends one week later.

Ex­am can­cel­la­tion


It is no longer possible to deregister from modules after the end of the revision phase. If you no longer wish to take part in a module, you can deregister from the examination in PAUL(Studies > Examination administration > My examinations) up to seven days before the first examination in a module.

You can find out when an examination takes place in a module from the intermediate examination dates or examination dates. If a module does not have an intermediate examination, the final examination is the first examination. You can check whether you have successfully deregistered from the examination in PAUL under My examinations.

Please note that if you do not attend an examination without deregistering, a failed attempt will be registered in your performance account.

With­draw­al from or can­cel­la­tion of an ex­am­in­a­tion due to ill­ness


If you are ill on a (partial) examination date and wish to withdraw from the examination, an application for withdrawal and a medical certificate must be submitted to the relevant examination office. If the module consists of several examination parts, please always state whether you

  • want to withdraw from the entire module and its examinations (= no failed attempt) or
  • only want to withdraw from a partial examination (= this partial examination is graded with 5.0) or
  • you will be offered a replacement examination for the missed part as a gesture of goodwill in order to complete the module. In this case, please submit confirmation of the new examination date from the module coordinator.

If possible, use the certificate form that you upload in PAUL (under Studies > Examination administration > Applications > ZPS: Withdrawal from examinations for a valid reason).

The handwritten cancellation request must contain the following information:

  • full name, matriculation number, degree programme
  • the module (part) examination concerned, including examination date and time
  • information on whether you took the examination (and cancelled it) or did not appear for the examination

The cancellation request must be submitted immediately, but no later than the fifth working day after the examination date, together with the medical certificate. Saturdays are working days and therefore count towards this deadline!

In order to substantiate a withdrawal from the examination due to illness in accordance with the examination regulations, a medical certificate stating that the student is unfit to take the examination and dated no later than the day of the examination (if necessary, also by visiting emergency doctors/outpatient clinics or making medical house calls) must be submitted with the application for withdrawal. If the medical certificate is dated before the examination, it must be clear from the certificate that the duration of the illness includes the examination in question. You do not necessarily have to use the certificate form, but a medical certificate must either contain symptoms of illness that clearly indicate the inability to take the examination or it must explicitly state "inability to take the examination". In addition, the doctor must also state

  • the time of the illness (before or during the examination)
  • the time at which the candidate became aware of the illness (before/during/after the examination)
  • date and time of the examination.

Submitting a certificate of incapacity for work ("yellow slip") is not sufficient. Similarly, a retroactive certificate of incapacity for examination (unlike in the case of incapacity for work) is not permitted!

Incomplete withdrawal applications or medical certificates may not be considered. It is therefore in your own interest to ensure that both your and the doctor's details are complete.