Welcome to the Chair of Business Law, in particular Innovation and Technology Law

The professorship focuses its research and teaching on innovation, digital and sustainability law topics in the context of private and commercial law. In addition to general civil law matters such as contract and liability law, this primarily addresses parts of intellectual property law, the law of digitalisation and the data economy as well as the emerging field of "sustainability and law" with references to private and/or commercial law. Our contributions in research and teaching are often embedded in interdisciplinary contexts at the interface between law, economics, information and technology sciences; another focus of the professorship is on legal didactics, especially for students on non-law degree programmes.

On the following web pages, we would like to present the research and teaching contributions of the professorship as well as the modalities for the awarding of theses (Bachelor's/Master's/Master's) in more detail. Are you missing any information or do you have further suggestions? Then send us an e-mail to recht[at]wiwi.uni-paderborn.de. We are grateful for your comments and suggestions!

Yours, Stefan Müller



Ab­schlus­sarbeiten an der Pro­fes­sur für Wirtschaft­s­recht, ins­beson­dere In­nov­a­tions- und Tech­no­lo­gierecht SoSe 2025

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Our journal: Innovation and technology law

Prof Dr Müller is co-editor of the Journal of Innovation and Technology Law(InTeR), which has been published under the umbrella of Deutscher Fachverlag since 2013.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller

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Dagmar Götte-Weiß, M.A.

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Christopher Günther

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Christopher Maximilian Pietsch

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Achal Ramanath Poonja

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Jan-Roger Schiene

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Wirtschaftsrecht, insbesondere Innovations- und Technologierecht

Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
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