Shaping global futures!

In today’s globally connected business world, management activities are influenced by the dynamics of international markets. To support (future) managers and entrepreneurs in dealing with these dynamics, our aim is to provide a better understanding of the implications of internationality for their behavior and decisions. To do so, the professorship’s research and teaching consider, for example, different behavioral tendencies across different cultures, cultural stereotypes, and teamwork across international borders.

We hope you will join one of our courses, seminars, or workshops, and are looking forward to discussing current management challenges and/or recent research findings with you.


Current News


Fi­nal Pitch Event for In­ter­na­tion­al Com­par­at­ive Man­age­ment Course

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2024 Bab­son Col­lege En­tre­pren­eur­ship Re­search Con­fer­ence

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In­spir­ing vis­it by Mi­chael Frese

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The professorship’s research investigates international management focusing on effects of cross-cultural differences, cultural diversity, and team international dispersion, specifically effects on entrepreneurial and innovation behaviors. A central aim is to provide a better understanding of how new ventures can manage international teamwork, innovation, and growth, e.g., considering different cultural behavioral tendencies, cultural stereotypes, and international dispersion requiring remote work and technology interaction. Applied methodologies include qualitative and quantitative approaches, e.g., explorative interviews and observations as well as experiments and surveys. Research projects are interdisciplinary, at the intersection of international management, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, HRM, and HCI. Current projects involve:

  • Cross-cultural differences and diversity in entrepreneurial and innovation behavior (e.g., culture driving idea generation vs. idea implementation; cultural diversity influencing innovation behavior; entrepreneurial emotion and cognition)
  • Leadership and HRM supporting new venture growth and internationalization (e.g., culture and gender stereotypes in recruitment; organizational experimentation during growth)
  • Technology supporting human entrepreneurial behavior (e.g., virtual environments supporting internationally dispersed new venture teams; leadership behaviors in humanoid robots; collaboration with artificial intelligence to support entrepreneurial work)


The professorship’s teaching concentrates on the core courses of the international business studies programs, i.e., “International Business” in the Bachelor and “International Management“ in the Master program. The educational activities focus on:

  • Action & application: Working on concrete problems, project work in (international) teams, guest lectures by practitioners
  • Evidence-based decision-making: Theory-based knowledge transfer, interpretation of scientific findings, participation in and implementation of studies
  • International experience: International networking opportunities, experience abroad, integration of language learning
  • International management
  • Cross-cultural differences
  • International entrepreneurial behavior


Course Semester ECTS Language
M.IBS.3153 International Business WS 10 ENG


Course Semester ECTS Language
M.IBS.4151 International Comparative Management SS 10 ENG

We participate in the central assignment procedure for theses. The procedure distributes the students who want to write a thesis fairly among the professorships: For further information click here.

You can suggest topics for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis yourself if they fall within the research area of the professorship (see “Research”), or you can choose one of the following topics: 

  • Supporting remote work in internationally dispersed startup teams
  • Exploring culture stereotypes
  • Female entrepreneurs’ international communication behavior
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation in Asia
  • International Social Entrepreneurship

If you apply for a thesis, please tell us a topic you would like to write about and explain in two to three sentences at most why you are interested in the topic and/or which research methodology (e.g. quantitative survey, case study, interviews, literature review, etc.) you would like to use to work on the topic.

The supervision of the thesis includes (at least) monthly meetings with your supervisor. In these meetings, the topic and the research question, the methods of data collection and data analysis as well as the structure of the thesis are discussed. These meetings can take place online or in person. If you would like to find out more, feel free to contact us (

„I enjoy being inspired by researchers in other fields. I love combining different perspectives for new insights. I also enjoy discussing with practitioners not only to help them learn from research but also to better understand their situations and make sure I focus on relevant research topics.”

Blossoming chestnut trees on the campus of Paderborn University.
Dr. Sylvia Hubner-Benz,


As part of our courses, we offer our students the opportunity to gain practical experience and apply their theoretical knowledge in real projects. Through direct collaboration with start-ups from Paderborn, you can test your analytical skills and strategic thinking in a practical environment. You will learn, for example, how to enter international markets, design global marketing plans, and adapt business models to different market conditions. This summer semester, the master's students of the "International Business in a Comparative Perspective" module are working with the start-ups coolnis and UFUNDI.


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sylvia Hubner-Benz

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