Utilise all opportunities for further development

Additional qualifications enable students to open up certain professional fields and signal commitment and interest to companies. Therefore, take advantage of the workshop and certification offers of the faculty and the university to gain further expertise in addition to your course content.

Programmes that perfectly complement your studies

Ex­cel­lence pro­gramme of the fac­ulty

Attention high-achieving Bachelor's students: In this programme, you have the opportunity to write your first academic paper at a professorship and benefit from accompanying workshops in close exchange with other students. Many of the participants will later become research assistants at our faculty.

SICP Di­git­al Tal­ents Pro­gramme

A study-related continuing education programme for all those who want to engage intensively with the digitalisation of business and society beyond their studies. The programme combines workshops on digital skills and personal development. It offers numerous contacts with regional companies.

Top Tal­ents Pro­gramme of gar­age33

For two semesters, you will receive free access to the UPB Start-up Centre's qualification programme and personal development training to help you realise your full potential and achieve your personal goals! In addition to individual coaching sessions, you can look forward to networking meetings, events, workshops and meetings with start-ups.

Learn specific skills

Additional qualifications as skills and knowledge that go beyond the regular programme content can significantly increase your career opportunities. If you would like to acquire additional qualifications across all degree programmes, there are various options available.

Show your commitment as a student

Student involvement is an important part of our lively campus life. Many students get involved in initiatives, groups, clubs and other organisations during their studies on a wide range of topics that are close to their hearts.

Prepare for the start of your career

The Career Service supports Paderborn University students in their professional orientation and goal-setting, especially if they have doubts about their studies due to a lack of practical experience or unclear career options. In addition, opportunities for reorientation and reorientation or dropping out of studies are presented in cooperation with partners: Job and career portal, practical projects, events for career orientation or potential analysis or job counselling.