A warm welcome...

...on the website of the Chair of Business and Social Education.

Since the summer semester 2024 the Professorship of Business and Social Education is represented by Dr. habil. Ina Krause.



Trans­fer in der beru­f­lichen Bildung: In­noV­ET-Beg­leit­forschung­stref­fen in Pader­born

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Raum für neue Ideen: Kom­munika­tion zwis­chen Wis­senschaft und Pro­jek­t­prax­is stärken

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In­nov­at­ive train­ing for pro­fes­sions - how does it work and who can do it?

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Our research

Business education research is a form of social research. It aims at the systematic and comprehensible reflection of pedagogical questions and problems in the vocationally structured employment system. This research is experimental, as investigations are carried out in social fields (social arenas), which should lead to improved knowledge about the design of teaching/learning processes, the organisation and management of educational organisations and the control of the vocational education system.



Com­pleted re­search pro­jects

Below you will find information on previous and completed projects by Prof Dr Peter F. E. Sloane.

To the overview

The Trans­form­a­tion of the Or­gan­iz­a­tion of Work: To­wards Com­munity-based Forms of Work Or­gan­iz­a­tion

Hier finden Sie die neuste Publikation von Ina Krause: "The Transformation of the Organization of Work: Towards Community-based Forms of Work Organization".

Zur Publikation

In­noV­et-Pro­jekt "CLOU – Zukun­ftscluster für in­nov­at­ive beru­f­liche Bildung"

Das Projekt entwickelt, testet, evaluiert und transferiert neue Bildungsangebote für die chemische und pharmazeutische Industrie. CLOU qualifiziert zu „Berufsspezialist*innen“, „Bachelor Professional“ und „Master Professional“. Seit 2021 ist Frau Dr. habil. Krause als Fachexpertin im Bereich Weiterbildung mit eingebunden.

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Our range of courses

Module name Semester ECTS Language Person responsible
W2515 - International Management with regional Focus on China WS/Sun 5 DEU

Prof. Dr. Fanchen Meng

Prof. Dr. H.-Hugo Kremer




Prof. Dr. Tobias Jenert

More about the person

Fur­ther of­fers for stu­dents

Asi­an Stud­ies in Busi­ness and Eco­nom­ics

Students on Master's programmes in Business and Economics can apply for the "Asian Studies in Business and Economics" (ASBE) specialisation with a study visit to a partner university in Asia in the respective winter semester.

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Centre for Vo­ca­tion­al Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing

The Centre for Vocational Education and Training (cevet) sees itself as an international centre of excellence for researching issues and professionalisation in dealing with challenges relating to vocational education and training. The involvement of stakeholders with different perspectives on the respective problem is of central importance.

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Offene und geschlossene Beschäftigungssysteme

C. Köhler, O. Struck, M. Grotheer, A. Krause, I. Krause, T. Schröder, Offene Und Geschlossene Beschäftigungssysteme, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2008.

Das Verhältnis von Stabilität und Flexibilität auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt

I. Krause, Das Verhältnis von Stabilität Und Flexibilität Auf Dem Deutschen Arbeitsmarkt, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 2012.

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Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn

Integrated Quantum Optics

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