By selecting the degree programme and semester, you will receive an overview of the modules you can choose from. The compulsory and elective areas to be taken are regulated within your study plan or examination regulations. Please note that the module catalogues are based on the Faculty's module handbook. This module handbook is approved once a year by the Faculty Board and is only valid for the current academic year. Module descriptions from previous semesters can be found in the archived module handbooks.
In particular, the Faculty would like to point out that information on "Weighting for overall grade" is only relevant for students of the Bachelor's degree programmes "B.Sc. International Business Studies", "B.Sc. Business Information Systems" and "B.Sc. Economics" (not "B.Sc. Sports Economics") who started their studies in the winter semester 15/16 or later. For students enrolled before the winter semester 15/16, each module is weighted once.