Welcome to the Chair of Organisational Behavior!

The Chair of Organisational Behaviour operates at the interface between people and organisations. We investigate how companies build and shape relationships with employees and what effects organisational structures and processes have on employee behaviour.

We appreciate your interest and would be happy to inform you about our courses and current research activities on our website and other platforms.

We work together, we grow together!




Wir stel­len ein!

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Neues Pa­per bei der World Con­fer­ence on eX­plain­able Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence

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Neues Pa­per bei der In­ter­na­tionalen Kon­fer­enz für Hu­man-Com­puter-In­ter­ac­tion

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Freie Stel­le für Wis­­sen­­schaft­­li­che*r Mit­­a­r­­bei­ter­*in zum 01.09.2024

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Im­pres­sions from the Q&A with Uwe Hüne­mei­er

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Our research

Our research generally aims to understand the behaviour of employees in organisations and to assess the effects of organisational characteristics or measures on employee behaviour.

In the spirit of evidence-based management, we want to help decision-makers in companies to find better solutions to organisational problems.

On this basis, in addition to mainly university research projects, we also pursue numerous projects with practitioners. Our projects can be roughly divided into the topics of teamwork, organisational identity and human-machine interaction.

News from re­search pro­jects

Work­ing World Plus

The aim of the Arbeitswelt-Plus project is to establish a regional competence centre "AI in the working world of industrial SMEs" (KIAM). It is intended to act as a contact point for companies and all other players in the industrial world of work. This project takes place as part of the it's OWL technology cluster with partners from the field.

Con­struct­ing Ex­plain­ab­il­ity

The Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio "Constructing Explainability", newly established by the DFG at Bielefeld and Paderborn Universities on 1 July 2021, deals with the question of how transparency of algorithmic decisions, in particular through black-box methods of modern artificial intelligence, can be established.


As part of the EcoDrive project, we are conducting field experiments with professional drivers to investigate how companies need to use telematics systems to achieve the most efficient, effective and sustainable improvement in driving behaviour. The project is being carried out in co-operation with permanent partners from the field.


PredicTeams aims to develop a practice-orientated framework for predictive competence management for agile teams that enables companies to manage the transition to agile teamwork in digital working environments. The project is being carried out in cooperation with companies from the it's OWL technology cluster.


This purely academic research project on teamwork is concerned with the extent to which the heterogeneity of team members influences team performance and, in particular, which types of heterogeneity have an impact on team performance.



it's OWL Kar­ri­ere-Event

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11.07.2022 - 11.07.2022

Gastvor­trag Car­go­Board

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04.07.2022 - 04.07.2022

Gastvor­trag SEAM

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Our teaching

Companies and employees influence each other: on the one hand, the behaviour of people in organisations is decisive for the success of the company, while on the other hand, the working relationship has a significant impact on the well-being of employees. Organisational behaviour is therefore interdisciplinary, drawing on economic, sociological and psychological theories. It is also empirically orientated, i.e. explanatory approaches are tested on the basis of empirical data using statistical methods.

In our courses, we teach theoretical and methodological foundations in the field of organisational behaviour. Students should learn how to systematically analyse specific problems, make current research findings usable in practice and develop solutions for corporate practice on this basis. In addition, students should be trained to critically analyse management tools and concepts.

We use various forms of teaching and examination. Students are encouraged to actively participate in the learning process, critically scrutinise content and apply newly acquired knowledge. To this end, we combine lectures, exercises (e.g. in the form of business games or the application of empirical methods) and structured self-study. Guest lectures and case studies also provide insights into business practice.

Final theses

Im untenstehenden Dokument findest du Informationen zu Ablauf und Themen deiner Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit an unserem Lehrstuhl.

Our team

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Thommes

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Cornelia Casey-Buschmeier

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Dipl.-Oec. Anne-Katrin Freiboth, M.A.

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Jana Kim Gutt, M.A.

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Jaroslaw Kornowicz, M.Sc.

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Olesja Lammert, M.Sc.

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Miro Mehic, M.Sc.

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Jörg Papenkordt, M.Sc.

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Robin Bodenberger, M.Sc.

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Glory Murega, M.Sc.

More about the person


Graduated with us? Stay in touch via our alumni network on LinkedIn and connect with us directly!

Or follow us on Instagram to never miss any news from our department!

Con­tact us

Organizational Behavior

Building Q
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn