A warm welcome ...

at the Chair of Business Education II, Business Education and Evaluation Research, held by Prof Dr Marc Beutner.

On the following pages you will find all the important information about our national and international research projects, our practical collaborations, the courses currently offered and final theses at our chair, including suitable topic suggestions.

You are welcome to contact the chair team with your questions at any time.




On­line Kick-Off des Erasmus+ Pro­jekts SUS­TAIN-EU

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Fi­nales Transna­tionales Pro­jekt­meet­ing des Eram­sus+ Pro­jekts Dy­s­cal­culia

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Fi­nales Meet­ing im Erasmus+ Pro­jekt Learn­STEM

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Zen­t­rales An­melde- und Ver­gabever­fahren für Ab­schlus­sarbeiten im Som­mersemester 2025

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Zweites Transna­tion­al Part­ner Meet­ing des Erasmus+ Pro­jektes E-Stor­ies bei uns in Pader­born

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More news

Our research

"Business education research often has evaluative characteristics and is usually to be thought of in terms of evaluation research. It focuses on one or more levels of the VET system and analyses aspects, processes and interrelationships at the micro, meso and/or macro level as well as the interplay between these levels. Learning theory approaches form the basis of the analyses, which can be of a didactic, organisational or structural nature, for example. The focus is on news topics such as new media, e-learning and serious games as well as educational and organisational work, vocational orientation and the challenges in the field of transitions in the vocational education and training system or transitions from the vocational education and training system to the world of work."

Our lesson: "Education - fundamentally - is the key to almost everything."

Short description of teaching at the professorship. In the next element (link list), please link to your teaching page. You can also tease further content as in the example for the research section.

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Vocational training is close to my heart. Theory and practice as well as research and teaching must be related to each other.

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Dr. rer. medic. Ilona Petsch, M.A.

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Dr. rer. pol. Jennifer Nicole Schneider

Equal opportunity education is essential to meet the challenges of the digital transformation process and to effectively utilize the economic opportunities of the free market!

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Sebastian Niklas Koppius

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Helene Maja Lindenthal

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Saskia Happ, M.Ed.

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Vera Kreutzheide

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Jan-Phillip Lüttke

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