Digital services and dynamic business processes

We are internationally recognised for our leading expertise in digital services, dynamic business processes and the design and emergence of information systems. Our integration into a strong international research network and the innovation structures of the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP) enables us to conduct excellent research with a direct application focus. This enables us to develop digital solutions at the latest technical level that create sustainable benefits for people, companies and the digital society.



Schu­lung­sange­bot: SAP-Zer­ti­fiz­ier­ung­skurs TS410 "In­teg­rated Busi­ness Pro­cesses in SAP S/4HANA“ vom 24.03.-04.04.2025

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Bis zum 31.01.2025 be­w­er­ben: Ab­schlus­sarbeiten im Som­mersemester 2025

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SHAPE-Pro­jekt­team disku­tiert die näch­sten Pro­jekts­ch­ritte beim Tref­fen in Ham­burg

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Dein let­ztes Kul­turer­leb­nis – Deine Mein­ung, In­teressen und Wün­sche sind ge­fragt!

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Bis zum 31.08.24 be­w­er­ben: Ab­schlus­sarbeiten im Win­tersemester 2024/2025

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More news

Our research: Relevant and rigorous

The aim of our research work is to develop innovative concepts and information systems for digital organisations. The focus is on business process management, information modelling and the design of innovative information systems for digital service systems in the high-tech industry, trade and public administration.

Re­search pro­jects

In cooperation with companies and international research institutions, we develop applicable solutions at an excellent scientific level.


Our research findings are regularly published in leading journals and at internationally renowned conferences.


In the journal BISE, as track chairs for conferences and as publishers of specialist books, we network communities and disseminate new knowledge.

Our lesson: Effective and efficient value creation

Digital value creation must provide convincing services for customers, but also be efficient and scalable at the same time. We convey this ambidexterity based on the latest research and technology. In our labs, we develop innovative software prototypes and organise certification training courses to accompany students' studies. In this way, we enable students to design sustainably successful operational value creation.

Di­git­al busi­ness pro­cesses

Business process management (BPM) is the core of operational value creation. We teach all common methods for planning, modelling, implementing and analysing processes, with a focus on process mining.

Di­git­al ser­vices

We develop and teach methods for service engineering and service management. We focus on smart services in industry, digital service networks and data spaces as service ecosystems.

ERP sys­tems in the ERP.lab

With information modelling and ERP systems, we focus on the core systems of value creation. In the ERP.lab, we implement innovations with our SAP development system and organise certification programmes, e.g. for SAP S4/HANA.

Our team

Our team consists of more than 15 people who work together intensively on several projects, organise innovative teaching formats and develop innovative solutions with companies. We are looking for new talent to join our team. Please take a look at our vacancies or ask us personally. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our network: locally anchored, internationally renowned

We are committed to interdisciplinary and international research collaborations. This includes excellent research collaborations as well as the development of specific digital innovations with leading companies. The Special Interest Group on Services (SIGSVC) represents and organises global services research under the umbrella of the Association for Information Systems (AIS).

De­part­ment WINFO

Our department is one of the most renowned and largest research institutions for business informatics in the German-speaking world.


The Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP) is an innovation ecosystem in which more than 30 professors develop new digital solutions with just as many companies.


At the European Research Centre for Information Systems (ERCIS), we regularly carry out international research projects, workshops and teaching collaborations.


Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Betriebliche Informationssysteme

Building Q2.322
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
+49 5251 60-3256 Directions