Re­cog­ni­tion of Aca­dem­ic Achieve­ments

Students on Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University generally have the opportunity to have examinations taken elsewhere recognised for modules offered on the Paderborn degree programme and listed in the module handbook. The module coordinators decide on the recognition.

Re­cog­ni­tion of aca­dem­ic achieve­ments ac­cord­ing to de­gree pro­grammes

Step 1: Compile documents

The following documents are required for the recognition of individual achievements, which are sent to Ms Papenfort as a PDF in the second step:

  • Academic transcript or transcript of records stating the scope of credits (e.g. in ECTS or SWS) in German or English.
  • Brief description or table of contents of the examination(s) to be credited, which enable a content-related examination.
  • Carrying out the pre-selection of possible contacts (module coordinators) Please carry out the pre-selection in accordance with the currently valid module handbook and use this form. If you are unsure about the assignment of your coursework, please contact the Office for Academic Affairs for advice. Please note that you can only assign any coursework completed elsewhere to one module at Paderborn University.

Step 2: E-mail to the Examination Board

For the formal and content-related examination of the credits earned elsewhere, please send an e-mail with the following wording to Ms Papenfort, Office of the Examination Board. Please do not forget to attach the application form and the rest of your documents as PDF files.

Your e-mail will be forwarded to the module coordinators. After formal and content-related examination, you will receive a (positive or negative) notification. The recogniton certificate is then attached to this email or can be collected from the respective chair.

Step 3: Submit credit transfer certificates

Please then submit the collected certificates of recognition of achievements to the Examination Office together with your original certificate.

Step 1: Compile documents

You must first compile the following documents for the formal assessment of credits earned elsewhere:

  • Degree certificate or transcript of records stating the scope of credits (e.g. in ECTS or SWS) in German or English.
  • Brief description or table of contents of the examination(s) to be recognised, which enable a content-related examination.
  • Carrying out the pre-selection of possible contacts (module coordinators) Please carry out the pre-selection in accordance with the currently valid module handbook and use this form. If you are unsure about the assignment of your achievements, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs for advice. Please note that you can only assign any coursework completed elsewhere to one module at Paderborn University.

Step 2: E-mail to the Examination Board

For the formal and content-related examination of the credits earned elsewhere, please send an e-mail with the following wording to Ms Petermeier, Office of the Examination Board. Please do not forget to attach the application form and your other documents as a PDF file.

Step 3: Submit credit transfer certificates

Your e-mail will be forwarded to the module coordinators. After checking the form and content, you will receive a (positive or negative) decision. The recognition certificate is then attached to this email or can be collected from the respective chair.

Please then hand in the collected certificates of recognition to the Examination Office together with your original certificate.

Step 1: Apply and submit documents

For the formal examination of the benefits acquired elsewhere, please send an e-mail with the following wording to Ms Papenfort, Office of the Examination Board.

Please attach the following documents to your e-mail:

  • Carrying out the pre-selection of possible contacts (module coordinators) Please carry out the pre-selection in accordance with the currently valid module handbook and use this document. If anything is unclear, please contact the Office for Academic Affairs for advice on the allocation of your credits. Please note that you can only assign any coursework completed elsewhere to one module at Paderborn University.
  • Overview of credits earned elsewhere
  • Module descriptions of examinations taken elsewhere

Step 2: You will receive a reply from the Examination Board

You will receive an email with information for the module coordinators. This must be submitted when contacting the module coordinators.

In addition, there is an application form for the recognition of achievements attached to the email, which you must complete and then sign by the module coordinators (Application for Recognition form).

Step 3: Contacting the module coordinators

Now contact the module coordinators independently and apply for actual recognition using the Application for Recognition form from step 2.

If you are unsure which Paderborn University courses match the courses you have already completed and which module coordinators you should contact, you may consult the Office of Academic Affairs.

If you have any questions regarding recognition of achievements, please contact the Student Advisory Service first:

Students of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics generally have the opportunity to have examinations taken elsewhere recognised for modules offered on the Paderborn degree programme. The module coordinators decide on the recognition. The necessary forms (e.g. Learning Agreements) can be found on the pages of the International Office or the Office for International Affairs of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

The formal examination and issuing of the Learning Agreement is carried out by the Office for International Affairs (Q0.319).

If you have any questions, please contact

In case of ques­tions

Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Room Q0.216
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
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