A warm welcome,

at the Chair of Business and Vocational Education, in particular Media Didactics and Continuing Education of Prof. Dr. H.-Hugo Kremer.

On these pages you will find information on current research projects, practical co-operations and courses. Detailed staff profiles and project descriptions are also available.

Here you will find the current range of modules on offer and the current consultation hour dates.


You can find an overview of our research projects via the link below.


Competence centre for researching issues and professionalisation in dealing with challenges relating to vocational education and training.

Prof. Dr. H.-Hugo Kremer

More about the person

Dr. Marie-Ann Kückmann

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Dr. Heike Kundisch

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Clara-Vivian Ammann

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Friederike Breuing

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Joelle Fuhrmann

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Leonie Schmid, M.Sc.

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Dr. Simone Volgmann

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Dr. Stephanie Wilde

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