We research socio-technical information systems in the digital transformation

Paderborn University with its Information Society University is one of the leading locations for business informatics in the German-speaking world. We analyse and design socio-technical information systems in the digital transformation. With five fully developed chairs in the core area of business informatics, we consider all levels of action - from digitally networked people and groups to digital organisations and networks to digital markets. The analysis of structured and unstructured data is also a particular focus.

„As one of the largest institutes for business informatics in Germany, we research how new information technologies can contribute to economic and social progress.”

Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen,
Spokesperson of the Department



Best Pa­per Award des Journ­al of Product In­nov­a­tion Man­age­ment

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Stu­dentische Hil­f­skraft im Büro der Landestheat­er NRW ge­sucht!

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Ver­gabe Rest­plätze im teil­nehmer­be­gren­zten Modul M.184.4328 Vir­tu­al Real­ity Ex­per­i­ments - In­terak­tion in der vir­tuel­len…

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Klausure­insicht zum Modul Grundla­gen von So­cial Me­dia und ko­op­er­at­iven Tech­no­lo­gi­en am 08.10.2024

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Mas­ter­arbeit mit op­tionalem Prak­tikum /Werkstu­den­tentätigkeit im Bereich AI-driv­en Pat­ent Ana­lyt­ics (m/w/d) bei Böll­hoff

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Ar­t­ic­le "Par­al­lel Branch-and-Price Al­gorithms for the Single Ma­chine Total Weighted Tardi­ness Schedul­ing Prob­lem with Se­quence-De­pend­ent…

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SHK und WHB-Stel­len am Lehr­stuhl von Prof. Trang zu vergeben

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Präsent­a­tion von Forschungsbeiträ­gen auf der ECIS und der PA­CIS

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An­mel­dung teil­nehmer­be­gren­zte Mod­ule WS 2024/25

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ex­per­doo GmbH - Werkstu­dent:in für KI-Sys­tem­an­a­lyse und Im­ple­men­tier­ung ge­sucht

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Va­can­cies for stu­dent as­sist­ants (SHK/WHB)

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Stu­dentische Hil­f­skraft (SHK) oder Wis­senschaft­liche Hil­f­skraft mit Bach­el­or­ab­schluss (WHB) (w/m/d) ge­sucht. (Prof. Dr. Mat­thi­as Tri­er)

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31.10.2024 - 31.10.2024

Guest lec­ture on the top­ic of "Geschäfts­mod­elle und Szenario Man­age­ment / Szenario En­twicklung"

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07.11.2024 - 07.11.2024

In­form­a­tion event on the "SICP Di­git­al Tal­ents Pro­gramme"

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25.11.2024 - 25.11.2024

Guest lec­ture on "Di­git­al­is­ier­ung in der Ver­pack­ungs­branche: Er­folgsstrategi­en und Auf­bau ein­er mo­d­ernen IT-Or­gan­isa­tion"

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28.11.2024 - 28.11.2024

Guest lec­ture on the top­ic of "En­tre­pren­eur­ship"

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28.11.2024 - 28.11.2024

Guest lec­ture on the top­ic "From phys­ic­al to di­git­al - Ein­blicke in die En­twicklung in­nov­at­iver, nutzerzentriert­er In­nov­a­tion­en und…

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04.12.2024 - 04.12.2024

Gastvor­le­sung von Dr. Ingo Erd­mann (Compri­on) im Modul "Grundla­gen Be­trieb­lich­er In­form­a­tionssysteme"

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11.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Gastvor­le­sung von Chris­ti­an Kipp und Aaron Hoff­mann (cro­nos) im Modul "Grundla­gen Be­trieb­lich­er In­form­a­tionssysteme"

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15.01.2025 - 15.01.2025

Gastvor­le­sung von Jür­gen Bren­nig (IT Busi­ness Solu­tions) im Modul "Grundla­gen Be­trieb­lich­er In­form­a­tionssysteme"

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20.01.2025 - 20.01.2025

Guest lec­ture on the top­ic "Agile Soft­wareentwicklung in der Prax­is"

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Our research

As an interface discipline, we analyse how new information technologies can contribute to competitive advantages and social improvements. In interdisciplinary and international teams, we analyse the phenomena of digital transformation holistically and see ourselves as thought leaders in the digital society.

Mitarbeitende tauschen sich auf Sofa aus.

Re­search pro­jects

In addition to excellence projects in basic research, we regularly carry out application-orientated collaborative projects with companies and institutions. We successfully collaborate with individuals, research institutions and companies worldwide in EU projects and international networks.


A large number of publications in renowned journals and conferences attest to the excellence of our research. We are also committed to the interests of our research discipline as editors for journals, organisers of conference tracks and workshops and as reviewers.


Our PRIME research colloquium acts as a platform for networking with leading international researchers in information systems and with promising young researchers.

Sci­entif­ic ca­reer

Become part of our team and take the opportunity to develop personally and work on exciting research projects.

Job advertisements

Study & Teaching

With the Bachelor's degree programme in Business Information Systems in Paderborn, you will lay the foundation for a successful lifelong career in the digital society. In the Master's degree programme in Business Information Systems, you will develop the latest IT to realise strategic competitive advantages. On the Master's degree programme in Management Information Systems, you will shape the digital transformation of our economy and society with a focus on economics.

Business Information Systems courses are an important (elective) component of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Students can not only choose individual courses here, but often also specialise in the field of business informatics.

B. Sc. Business Informatics

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M. Sc. Business Informatics

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M. Sc. Management Information Systems

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The Social & Data-Intensive Computing Lab is equipped with powerful workstations and enables students to carry out complex calculations as part of modules or final theses.


With its state-of-the-art computer workstations and conference area, the ERP Lab provides both students and researchers with a creative workspace with the latest technology, which we use for meetings, project work, presentations, colloquia and other teaching events.



Get in touch with us!

Prof. Dr. Guido Schryen

Management Information Systems and Operations Research

Room Q2.463
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours

Consultation by appointment only! Please contact Mrs. Carina Uhde (carina.uhde@upb.de).