Welcome to the website of the Chair of Digital Markets! We are interested in the behaviour of human and machine actors in digital markets. We live the unity of research and teaching and, as part of the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP), we stand for a close connection between research and practice. We look forward to hearing from you.



Va­can­cies for stu­dent as­sist­ants (SHK/WHB)

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Our research

In our research, we investigate the behaviour of human and machine actors on digital markets (e.g. internet platforms) from an economic perspective. To this end, we use a variety of methods and engage in interdisciplinary dialogue to generate findings for science and practice.


28.11.2024 - 28.11.2024

Guest lec­ture on the top­ic of "En­tre­pren­eur­ship"

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20.01.2025 - 20.01.2025

Guest lec­ture on the top­ic "Agile Soft­wareentwicklung in der Prax­is"

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31.10.2024 - 31.10.2024

Guest lec­ture on the top­ic of "Geschäfts­mod­elle und Szenario Man­age­ment / Szenario En­twicklung"

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28.11.2024 - 28.11.2024

Guest lec­ture on the top­ic "From phys­ic­al to di­git­al - Ein­blicke in die En­twicklung in­nov­at­iver, nutzerzentriert­er In­nov­a­tion­en und…

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25.11.2024 - 25.11.2024

Guest lec­ture on "Di­git­al­is­ier­ung in der Ver­pack­ungs­branche: Er­folgsstrategi­en und Auf­bau ein­er mo­d­ernen IT-Or­gan­isa­tion"

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Our teaching

In our teaching, we help students to acquire the specialist skills they need to make informed decisions and be successful in digital markets. In addition, we support students in developing numerous important personal skills in our courses.

Our team

Practice & cooperation

Are you interested in working with us? We bundle our co-operation projects in the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn. We look forward to receiving your enquiry!


Information Systems, esp. digital markets

Room Q3.146
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn