Welcome to our Graduate Centre!

With our Graduate Centre at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, we want to support young academics on their professional career path by offering further training opportunities, funding programmes and information on possible career paths. Our offers are aimed at doctoral candidates, doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and junior professors. Their excellent doctoral projects and research projects contribute significantly to the research of our faculty, which is why the training of young academics and excellent research conditions are central concerns of our faculty. The Jenny Aloni Centre for Early Career Researchers at Paderborn University provides interdisciplinary information, training and advice.

„In meiner Schulzeit habe ich immer erwartet, dass nach dem Studium das Gefühl entsteht, fertig zu sein. Doch es öffneten sich immer neue Türen und mittlerweile bereitet es mir große Freude Neues zu lernen und mich ständig weiterzuentwickeln.”

Clara-Vivian Ammann,

Scientific career opportunities


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Besprechungsrunde mehrerer Personen.

Junior professorship

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Lerngruppe sitzt zusammen.


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Re­search work­shops and suc­cesses

Personen sitzen in einer Konferenz.

Re­search sem­inars and work­shops

Our research thrives on networking and exchange. The seminar series and workshops enable our early career researchers to familiarise themselves with the research work of guest researchers from all over the world, and to present their own work and ideas and develop them further through discussion.

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Teammeeting an einem Tisch mit einer Tafel.

Re­search pro­jects

With our research projects, we want to be a source of inspiration for the scientific community as well as for companies and political decision-makers.

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Fac­ulty re­search work­shop

The biennial Faculty Research Workshop promotes the exchange of research work within the entire Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. This is a particularly good opportunity for junior researchers to present their current work and discuss it with members of all departments.

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Zwei stehende Personen schauen sich ein Dokument an.

Dean's Young Schol­ar Awards

With the Dean's Young Scholar Awards, the Dean's Office team of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics would like to recognise the outstanding achievements of young academics in our faculty. The award is intended to make the successes of young academics even more visible to the outside world.

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Coun­selling and sup­port

Re­search fund­ing

In order to put new research ideas into practice, bring knowledge into the world or discuss approaches and concepts with other researchers, the Faculty and the University provide funding for targeted support for their scientists.

Middle man­age­ment rep­res­ent­a­tion

The Mittelbau Representation represents the interests of all non-professorial academic staff at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (Mittelbau). This includes topics such as working conditions, doctoral studies, career development, further training opportunities and remuneration.

Jenny Aloni Centre for Early-Ca­reer Re­search­ers

As the central umbrella organisation for doctoral candidates, postdocs and junior professors at Paderborn University, the Jenny Aloni Center provides target group-specific information, qualification and advisory services. It supports you in finding the best possible path to a career in science, business and society.

Your con­tact per­sons

business-card image

Prof. Dr. Wendelin Schnedler

Dekanat Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Vice Dean for Research and Early Career Researchers

Write email +49 5251 60-2123
business-card image

Dr. Birgit Kocks

Graduiertenzentrum Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Administrative Leitung

Write email +49 5251 60-1697