Student Office

The Student Office is your contact for all questions in the field of study and teaching at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. We advise students and prospective students on topics such as the start of their studies, the study structure, course planning or semester planning and provide support with questions regarding the registration and deregistration of modules, courses and examinations. Contact us at any time by e-mail or visit us during our office hours; it is not necessary to make an appointment.

What does the study of­fice do?

If you still have questions despite searching on our website, the Student Office is one of your most important points of contact. You can find out which questions you can ask the Student Office here.

Of­fice hours in the winter semester 2023/2024

Monday to Thursday
10.00 - 11.00 a.m.


13.00 - 14.00

Please only contact us by telephone during office hours.


By e-mail at any time

Please always send e-mail enquiries to the following address:

Help us to help you

Anyone studying today has grown up with modern means of communication such as e-mail and text messaging: you probably sent your first e-mail at school, used the Internet to find out about your next holiday destination or invited your friends to a party via chat. You have certainly used a very casual style, which is appropriate in the private field. But if you use this style for formal occasions, you are not doing yourself any favours. This short note is intended to explain what you should and - above all - should not do when sending emails in the business field.

  • Recipients: Before sending an email, think about who is the right contact for your request. Do not send your e-mail to several recipients "just like that". You can be confident that every e-mail sent to a member of the faculty (staff member, professor) will be read internally by us and forwarded to the right person.
  • Subject: State your request briefly and clearly in the subject line. This makes it easier to understand the problem and you will receive a meaningful answer more quickly (bad examples of subjects: No subject; Re: Aw: Answer: Re: Re: WG: Re: Re: Answer:; Application; PAUL; Registration for the module Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik, which I would like to take as a Studium Generale in my degree programme).
  • Request: Describe your request in a brief but comprehensible form. Formulate clear questions and unambiguous statements. Read through your e-mail again before sending it. The text you write is part of your personality.
  • Salutation : Like a letter, every first contact via email must begin with a polite salutation. Salutations with "Hello", "Hi", "Good morning" are bad examples and do not exactly reflect a high level of competence on the part of the sender, as would be expected of prospective academics.
  • Conclusion: A friendly conclusion is a matter of course and should end with your name.(Bad examples of "closing": No closing; Bye, Moni; Bye; Wait for reply!!!!!)
  • Reply: Include enough of the original letter in your text to make it easier for your addressee to understand the context. Also bear in mind that an e-mail is not "live", like a telephone call, for example, and that the recipient cannot ask about the content of the original message, especially if he or she receives many messages every day. If you include the relevant parts of the original text in your reply, this will help the recipient to recall the context of the discussion or conversation.

The social media presence of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University is intended to enable direct communication with users and depends on your participation. We emphasise the importance of respectful and friendly interaction.

We see the following rules of behaviour as the basis for communication:

  • Our tone is objective, polite and respectful.
  • We do not allow ourselves to be challenged: Insults, abuse and provocation on our part do not take place. However, we will delete without comment any posts that are discriminatory, anti-constitutional, demagogic, illegal, pornographic, extremist, racist, vulgar, denigrating or inappropriate in any other way. We also delete advertising, spam and commercial content from third parties without comment.
  • Comments on a post, tweet etc. should always relate to the content of the post. Off-topic contributions are annoying and undesirable here.

So that everyone understands everything and misunderstandings are avoided: We post in German or English - and expect our users to do the same.

We pay attention to data protection: Confidential content such as addresses, telephone numbers and student numbers are not published on our social media presence at any time. We observe the general standards and terms of use of the respective social media site.

As employees of the Faculty, we provide information about the social media presence to the best of our knowledge and belief, but this is not legally binding. When we act as employees of our Faculty on social media, we are

we are required to be loyal to our employer. When publishing images and texts via our social media presence, we pay particular attention to compliance with copyright and personal rights and the right to one's own image. We also expect this from our users.

he Office of Student Affairs of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics offers WhatsApp counselling for prospective students of economics degree programmes on 0178 2386096 from Wednesdays to Fridays from 1 to 3 pm. The following data protection information applies:

Your enquiry will only be processed by a small group of employees of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The data you voluntarily provide via WhatsApp will only be used to answer your questions. After the consultation, your telephone number and the entire chat history will be deleted immediately. Only at your request will we forward your contact details to responsible employees who are responsible for further assistance. The data will not be passed on to third parties by the Paderborn University. However, we would like to point out that the terms of use and data protection regulations of WhatsApp Inc. apply to this service, over which we have no influence. Therefore, please do not send any confidential information via WhatsApp! Please only use the telephone number for chat counselling and refrain from making calls.


Dr. Sebastian Buck

Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften

More about the person

Anna Floer

Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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Sebastian Hoppe

Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften

More about the person

Marina Mateska, B.Sc.

Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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Anett Szilágyi

Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften

More about the person

Vivianne Veronique Berau

Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften

More about the person