International Campus

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is an open and internationally orientated institution. In the midst of advancing globalisation, we value diversity and welcome all those who find their way to us. At the same time, we are actively committed to promoting the international mobility of our students, researchers and young talent. Our integration into a global network for cooperation and research is therefore a matter of course for us.

Every year, over 200 Paderborn students spend part of their degree programme at one of our partner universities. In addition, our study programmes are internationally and interculturally oriented. We are creating a lively and dynamic international campus that regards transnational and international academic co-operation as an essential feature of our identity.




In­ter­na­tion­ally net­worked: IBS stu­dents in the Glob­al Vir­tu­al Teams Pro­ject

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Fas­cin­at­ing jour­ney through the Sahel: "Fest­iv­al of Amazement"

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Amer­ic­an uni­ver­sity group on tour through Ger­many

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New co­oper­a­tion between Pader­born Uni­ver­sity and the Uni­ver­sity of Geor­gia

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity-led uni­ver­sity al­li­ance plans in­ter­na­tion­al cam­pus: loc­a­tions in nine European coun­tries

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Kick-off event for the "Fest­iv­al of Amazement" at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

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Young re­search­er Raquel Tusi Tami­osso from Brazil vis­its the De­part­ment of Busi­ness Edu­ca­tion

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Study internationally

We offer a wide range of opportunities to study internationally at our faculty. It is important to us that you get to know new cultures and expand your language skills. Decide for yourself which opportunities you want to use to gain international experience. You can opt for an internationally oriented degree programme, a semester abroad, a double master's programme or English-language modules and intercultural exchange formats.



We show you different ways to study abroad: semesters abroad, internships, summer schools or double master's programmes. There are numerous opportunities open to you to expand your specialised knowledge and get to know new cultures.


Whether for one or two semesters or an entire degree programme - we welcome international students at all stages of their academic career and support them to make their time in Paderborn unforgettable.


You can also gain international experience in Paderborn. For example, you can take modules in English. Many of the courses are taught by guests from all over the world. Or you can take part in tandem language courses and short-term programmes or help with the integration of exchange students.

Internationally oriented degree programmes

In addition to the classic types of internationalisation, such as a semester abroad or a summer school, Paderborn University also offers you the opportunity to study a complete degree programme with an international focus. In addition to the Bachelor's programme in International Business Studies, we also offer two international Master's programmes: One is the M. Sc. International Business Studies and the other is the M. Sc. International Economics and Management.

B. Sc. and M. Sc. In­ter­na­tion­al Busi­ness Stud­ies

What is the difference between Spanish and German corporate culture? What should I bear in mind when negotiating with a French company? And how can I open up a new market and organise a multinational company?

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M. Sc. In­ter­na­tion­al Eco­nom­ics and Man­age­ment

How do companies and entire economies operate in globalised markets? And what do you have to bear in mind if you want to live, work or do research in a different culture and economic area?

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International Research, Teaching & Working

The Faculty attracts international researchers and staff who share their diverse experience and expertise on campus. Around 10% of all staff are international. Employees can benefit from funding programmes such as Erasmus+ to gain international experience, including short-term lectureships at partner universities and further education and training stays in other European countries.

Our net­work with a fo­cus on Asia

Our network consists of over 65 partnerships in Europe, America, Asia and Australia with a special focus on Asia. In view of the increasing shift of global value creation processes to the Asian economic region, we began systematically expanding our cooperation network in the Asian economic area almost 20 years ago. Students can also specialise in this economic region in special programmes.

Pro­grammes with a fo­cus on Asia

Asi­an Stud­ies in Busi­ness and Eco­nom­ics Pro­gramme

The central element of our Asian focus is the Asian Studies in Business and Economics programme. Here you will immerse yourself in the Asian economic region and Asian culture as a specialisation and attend a partner university in China, Korea or Japan for six months.

Double Mas­ter's pro­gramme with the Uni­ver­sity of To­hoku in Ja­pan

In our M. Sc. International Economics and Management programme, you have the opportunity to study simultaneously at Paderborn University and Tohoku University in Japan. The first and fourth semesters take place in Paderborn, while you study the second and third semesters in Japan.

Building bridges and connecting

The International Students Forum (ISF) brings together students from different economic regions and cultural backgrounds to strengthen international partnerships and forge friendships.

Contact us

Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut

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Julia Winkelmann, M.Sc.

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