Change of degree programme

Are you already studying at Paderborn University or another university and would like to change to a (different) Bachelor's or Master's degree programme in business and economics?

To change degree programme, you must submit an application via PAUL during the application phase for the desired semester. A distinction must be made as to whether the desired degree programme is admission-free or admission-restricted and whether you wish to enrol for the first or a higher semester. In principle, the regular application and enrolment procedure at Paderborn University applies.

Trans­ition to the Mas­ter's pro­gramme

Have you completed your Bachelor's degree and would like to enrol on a Master's programme at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics? The application for a Master's programme is also a change of degree programme.

Transition to Master's

Ap­plic­a­tion for high­er semesters

If you have already achieved credits in a previous degree programme that you would like to have credited to your new degree programme, then apply for a higher semester.


Bachelor's degree

You can enrol in higher semesters without admission restrictions if you have earned the required ECTS credits. For higher semesters with restricted admission, however, admission depends not only on the required ECTS points, but also on the places available in the semester in question. Capacities are defined for each semester.



Admission to the higher semesters of the Master's degree programmes is not restricted. Please note that if you wish to change to another Master's degree programme, it is always necessary to check whether your qualifying Bachelor's degree fulfils the admission requirements of the desired degree programme.


If you change degree programme, you will be provisionally placed in the first (or second) semester.

Fi­nal cat­egor­isa­tion in the sub­ject semester

With the recognition of credits from a previous degree programme, the final placement in the corresponding semester of the new degree programme takes place. Please note that for capacity reasons, the final placement cannot be made during the application process.


According to the Hochschulzukunftsgesetz NRW (NRW Higher Education Future Act), the following formula is used to determine the placement in the subject-related semester:

Subjectsemester in the new degree programme = ECTS to be recognised x standard period of study / total ECTS of the degree programme


Please note that within the framework of the placement recommendation for the winter semester (summer semester), only placement in the 1st/3rd/5th (2nd/4th/6th) semesters is possible in accordance with the guideline table shown.

Programme-specific ECTS semester
0 - 14 1st semester
from 15 2nd semester
from 45 3rd semester
from 75 4th semester
from 105 5th semester
from 135 6th semester


Based on this formula, it is therefore possible to enter the second semester from 15 recognised ECTS.


After the change of degree programme, the examination regulations valid for the new degree programme apply and the remaining credit points must be completed. Information on the semester fee due to a change of degree programme can be obtained from the Registrar's Office.

Further information

Mehrere Personen an einem Besprechungstisch.

Einstufung in höhere Fachsemester

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Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
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