Economics: The Study of Individual Economic Decisions and their Interaction through Markets and beyond

Economics is a part of social sciences. An economy includes private households, companies and the government. Economic analysis includes decisions of individual economic agents on a microeconomic level, as well as the effects and interactions of these decisions on a macroeconomic and international level, both today as well as in the future. On the international level, economic and political integration of single economies also plays a major role. These can take simple forms, such as free trade areas, or higher forms with own institutions, such as economic communities. In this context, we focus on topics such as the business cycle, economic growth, international monetary economics, financial markets and international indebtedness, as well as intertemporal allocation, decarbonisation and green transformation.


Offered courses cover both, theoretical foundations of economics as well as specific topics such as international trade and integration.

The regular offers include courses on micro- and macroeconomics (especially for economics minors), courses with a focus on internationalization and (European) integration, the green transition of the European Union, as well as selected topics in economics. In addition, special offers with seminar character and participation options in summer schools, double degree programs and an international students forum are offered at irregular intervals.


Bachelor Modules

Module name Semester ECTS Language Contact
M.184.1411 Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre SS 10 GER  
K.184.14111 Mikrotheorie      

Prof. Dr. Jungblut

Prof. Dr. Hehenkamp

K.184.14113 Makrotheorie Nebenfächler (Winfo, Wing, Lehramt und alle anderen Studiengänge)       Prof. Dr. Jungblut
M.184.2436 International Economics: International Finance SS 5 ENG

Prof. Dr. Jungblut

M.184.2414 Economics of European Integration WS 5 ENG Prof. Dr. Jungblut

Master Modules

Module name Semester ECTS Language Contact
M.184.4414 Ausgewählte Themenbereiche der VWL WS 10 GER Prof. Dr. Jungblut


Places for final thesis supervision are assigned through the centralised allocation procedure for final theses of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. In case of application students should be interested in topics covered by the research and teaching unit, and specify their area of interest in the application. Topics for theses may include European Integration and sustainability, green transition, international economic integration, real and monetary macroeconomics, international indebtedness, and international financial markets. Self-motivated topics are possible. The final determination of the topic takes place through individual meetings after the confirmation of supervision.


Current research topics of the teaching and research unit are:

Workstations in the library of Paderborn University.

Mon­et­ary Eco­nom­ics and In­ter­na­tion­al Fin­ance

International monetary system, international indebtedness and international investment positions (IIP), indebtedness and green transition, European Monetary Union, monetary stabilization

Fin­an­cial Mar­kets and the Mac­roe­conomy

Incomplete and imperfect financial markets, financial intermediation, non-convexities; multiple and indeterminate dynamic equilibria, coordination failures and expectation coordination

Students in lecture hall G at Paderborn University.

Growth and Busi­ness Cycle The­ory

Convergence and catching-up, real and monetary stability, dynamics of structural unemployment

Trees in summer on the campus of Paderborn University.

European In­teg­ra­tion and Sus­tain­ab­il­ity

Economics of European integration, sustainability and green transition in the EU


Employees of the teaching and research unit


Stefan Jungblut

Head -

Office: Q4.337
Phone: +49 5251 60-2112

Office hours:

Mo. 15:00-16:00/by appointmentMo. 15:00-16:00/by appointment


Ingrid Kelsey

Secretary -

Office: Q4.334
Phone: +49 5251 60-2117

Office hours:

Di 13 - 16, Mi & Do 9 - 12

Re­search As­so­ci­ates

Julia Winkelmann

Office: Q0.319
Phone: +49 5251 60-1696

Office hours:

Sprechzeiten Leistungsanerkennung

Dienstags & Mittwochs 10:30-11:30

Stu­dent As­sist­ants

Sarah Kepper

Office: Q0.319

Thao Le Nguyen

Office: Q0.419


Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut holds the following positions at Paderborn University:

Head of the Teaching and Research Unit Economics

Representative for International Affairs of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and thus head of the Internationalisierungszentrums

Get in touch with us

Ingrid Kelsey


Room Q4.334
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours

Di 13 - 16, Mi & Do 9 - 12