
Microeconomics deals with decisions made by individuals or within small groups. We operate in the field of tension between optimization, strategic interaction and fair solutions.



Gastvor­trag von Prof. Dr. Man­fred Holler

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Her­­­vor­ra­­gen­de Leis­­tun­­­gen in den Mo­­du­len des ver­­gan­ge­n­en Som­mer­­se­mes­ters aus­­ge­zeich­net

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For­schung im Di­a­­log: Fa­kul­tät­s­­work­shop der Fa­kul­tät für Wirt­schaft­s­wis­sen­schaf­ten bringt Wis­sen­schaft­le­r*in­n­en zu­sam­­men

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Neue Ver­öf­fent­lichung in Math­em­at­ic­al So­cial Sci­ences

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Neue Ver­öf­fent­lichung in In­ter­na­tion­al Game The­ory Re­view

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More news

Our research: Theory for practical results

In our research, we are interested in theoretically sound solutions to practical problems as well as the structures behind the problem and the solution.

Re­search in­terests

Take a look at the more specific issues that the members of the chair research.

Cur­rent re­search

We are currently working on these issues.

Know­ledge trans­fer: Game the­ory at your fin­ger­tips

Find out more about our project "Play along? - Hands-on game theory", in which we make insights from game theory tangible in a playful way.

Our teaching: Understanding instead of memorizing

Our courses are designed in such a way that students understand the concepts well so that they can apply them later with confidence. This applies to both the microeconomic content and the mathematical methods used.

Our Team

... has found its home between Q4.340 and Q4.349.

Prof. Dr. Claus-Jochen Haake

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Dr. Nadja Stroh-Maraun

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Stephanie Langenströer

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Marius Joseph Baltrusch

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„The fascinating thing about game theory is that it not only offers solutions where people act against each other, but also deals with fair distributions of joint profits.”

Prof. Dr. Claus-Jochen Haake,
Holder of the Chair


Economics, especially Microeconomics

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