
to the web pages of the Chair of Institutional Economics and Economic Policy.

Here you find information on us, our areas of interest in research and teaching, and on how to write your thesis with us.

In case you miss any information or have further comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at wipo[at]wiwi.upb[dot]de. We will be pleased to hear from you!

Sincerely yours,
Burkhard Hehenkamp


Research and teaching at our chair can best be described as applied microeconomic theory. Our main focus is on questions of competition and occasionally contract economics, which we analyse from different perspectives and in different application contexts.

Pub­lic­a­tions of the chair

Doc­tor­al dis­ser­ta­tions at the chair

Pro­ject ART-D Grids Africa

Com­pleted re­search pro­jects



Start of the cent­ral al­loc­a­tion pro­ced­ure for theses in sum­mer term 2024

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Start of the cent­ral al­loc­a­tion pro­ced­ure for theses in winter term 2023/24

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Job ad­vert­ise­ment for the tu­tori­als in mi­croe­co­nom­ics in sum­mer term 2023

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Fak­ultäts­forschungs­work­shop für den wis­senschaft­lichen Nachwuchs der Wirtschaft­swis­senschaften

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Teach­ing Winter Term 2022/23

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Start of the cent­ral al­loc­a­tion pro­ced­ure for theses in sum­mer term 2023

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Er­fol­greich be­st­andene Pro­mo­tion­en an un­ser­em Lehr­stuhl

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Suc­cess­ful 21st European Health Eco­nom­ics Work­shop 2022

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Job ad­vert­ise­ment for the pro­ject A:RT-D Grids (Africa: Re­search and Teach­ing for De­vel­op­ment Grids)

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Start of the cent­ral al­loc­a­tion pro­ced­ure for theses

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Teach­ing Sum­mer Term 2022

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Stel­lenaus­s­chreibung für die Tu­tori­en Mik­roöko­nomie für das Som­mersemester 2022

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Start of the cent­ral al­loc­a­tion pro­ced­ure for theses

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Fak­ultäts­forschungs­work­shop für den wis­senschaft­lichen Nachwuchs der Wirtschaft­swis­senschaften

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late re­gis­tra­tions pos­sible for sem­inars WiSe 2021/2022

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More news


Here you will find the current range of courses offered by Prof Dr Hehenkamp's professorship, the topics for your thesis, as well as information on scientific work.

Of­fice hours

Range of top­ics

In­form­a­tion on sci­entif­ic work­ing


Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hehenkamp

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Christiane Borghoff

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Dr. Angelika Endres-Fröhlich

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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M.Sc. Tahmina Faizi

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Alexander Koch

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Lillian Donna Namujju

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Amirhossein Kiannik

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Henrietta Acquah-Swanzy

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Niklas Otto

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Nico Benjamin Boesler

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Ratul Chowdhury

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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Serxho Ruco

Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik

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