Welcome to the website of the Chair of Information Systems and Data Analytics! Our research and teaching focus on the question of how humans interact with artificial intelligence to make better decisions.
Module name | Module type | Semester | ECTS | Language |
Fundamentals of management information systems | Lecture | summer semester | 5 | DEU |
Methods of Data Science (Film) | Lecture | winter semester | 5 | DEU |
Predictive Analytics | Student research project | summer /winter semester | 5 | DEU/ENG |
Module name | Module type | Semester | ECTS | Language |
Data Science for Business | Lecture | winter semester | 5 | ENG/DEU |
Applied Machine Learning for Text Analysis | Seminar | winter semester | 10 | ENG/DEU |
Real-World Machine Learning Projects | Seminar | summer semester | 10 | ENG/DEU |
Module name | Module type | Semester | ECTS | Language |
Machine Learning for Research | Seminar | summer semester (irregular) | 6 | ENG |
The Department of Information Systems does not participate in the centralized allocation procedure of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Consequently, the application process varies for each chair.
Our application deadlines are as follows:
- Winter semester: January 1 - February 28 (29)
- Summer semester: July 1 - August 31
To apply, please submit the following:
- Curriculum vitae
- Current transcript of records
- Letter of application
Your letter should express your interest in "Data Analytics" topics and include suggested themes for your thesis. Please email your complete application to the chair.
We emphasize the importance of a strong interest in a topic as a key to success. Rather than publishing pre-defined topics, we encourage students to bring their own interests and define their thesis topics in consultation with a chair member.
Occasionally, we offer theses with practice partners, where topics are usually predefined. If applicable, you will find these under the relevant heading.
Preparation (template)
Please use this LaTeX template as a guide when designing your thesis !
MASTERARBEIT IM BEREICH DATA & AI (M/W/D) Machine Learning Algorithmus zur Clusterung von Lastschriften im Rahmen des Purchase to Pay Prozesses
Standort Lippstadt
FORVIA HELLA ist ein börsennotierter, internationaler Automobilzulieferer. Wir sind ein Unternehmen der FORVIA Gruppe, dem weltweit siebtgrößten Zulieferer von Automobiltechnologien. Als globaler Marktführer in wachstumsstarken Zukunftsbereichen beschäftigt FORVIA weltweit 157.000 Mitarbeitende. FORVIA HELLA steht dabei für leistungsstarke Lichttechnik und Automobilelektronik. Gleichzeitig decken wir mit unserer Business Group Lifecycle Solutions ein breites Service und Produktportfolio für das Ersatzteil und Werkstattgeschäft sowie für Hersteller von Spezialfahrzeugen ab. Mit derzeit rund 37.500 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern an über 125 Standorten ist das Unternehmen weltweit aktiv und hat im Geschäftsjahr 2023 auf vorläufiger Basis einen bereinigten Umsatz in Höhe von 8,1 Milliarden Euro erzielt.
Zur Ausschreibung.
Master's thesis with optional internship in the field of "Patent Analytics" (Wilhelm Böllhoff GmbH & Co. KG, Bielefeld)
Patents offer two essential functions, namely protection against imitation and the provision of information.
The information function of patents is currently little utilised by companies. However, the potential for utilising information is very high, as it is estimated that 90% of the technical knowledge published worldwide can be found in the patent literature. The currently emerging field of "patent analytics", which is also referred to in the literature as "IP intelligence", for example, is concerned with the procurement, analysis and processing of information from published patents and patent register data.
IP intelligence utilises the fact that patents contain structured bibliographic information such as applicant data, inventor data, time data and technical classifications. The published information on forward and backward citations also offers opportunities for gaining knowledge.
On the other hand, the contents of patent specifications, such as the technically detailed descriptions of the inventive embodiments and the problems to be solved as well as the technical illustrations contained therein, also offer great informative potential. This can be utilised, for example, through semantic, AI-based analyses to identify current technical problems and solutions.
Other information published in the context of patent applications also offers a currently underutilised potential (data on disputes, examination procedures, etc.).
Companies can utilise this information function for better strategic decision-making. For example, idea generation processes for product innovations can be supported. This information is also helpful for identifying new markets or collaborations or M&A, evaluating applicants and analysing patent dependencies.
The aim of the work is to develop and evaluate methods for analysing patent data. These methods will then be used to demonstrate the entrepreneurial benefits of specific case studies.
All details can be found here
hellblau Software GmbH, Paderborn
Master's thesis with optional working student activity in the field of processing claims for damages using NLP and machine learning
hellblau Software GmbH is a young, innovative company specialising in the optimisation of processes and the development of software for law firms. In addition to individual consulting, software has been and is being developed to automate the work in law firms as much as possible. Thanks to our modern software solution, cases can be legally assessed and processed within minutes with consistently excellent processing quality.
To further optimise our product, we are looking for students for a Master's thesis in which further process steps in case processing can be automated with the help of AI-supported methods.
hellblau Software GmbH, Paderborn
Master's thesis with optional working student activity in the field of communication management using NLP and machine learning
hellblau Software GmbH is a young, innovative company specialising in the optimisation of processes and the development of software for law firms. In addition to individual consulting, software has been and is being developed to automate the work in law firms as much as possible. Thanks to our modern software solution, cases can be legally assessed and processed within minutes with consistently excellent processing quality.
To further optimise our product, we are looking for students for a Master's thesis in which further process steps in case processing can be automated with the help of AI-supported methods.
Join our team!
Become part of our team, either as a student assistant or research assistant with a Bachelor's degree or as a research assistant after completing your Master's degree.