Welcome to the website of the Chair of Information Systems and Data Analytics! Our research and teaching focus on the question of how humans interact with artificial intelligence to make better decisions.



ex­per­doo GmbH - Werkstu­dent:in für KI-Sys­tem­an­a­lyse und Im­ple­men­tier­ung ge­sucht

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Un­ter­stützung im Team von Prof. Dr. Oliv­er Müller ge­sucht! (Forschung)

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Volks­bank Sauer­land is look­ing for a Stu­dent train­ee (m/f/d) with the op­por­tun­ity to co-op­er­ate on fi­nal theses

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The aim of our research is to improve human decision-making processes through the responsible use of data and algorithms. We pursue a socio-technical approach that incorporates the latest technologies (in particular machine learning and artificial intelligence) as well as social and societal aspects. 

The following topics are the focus of our research:

  • Development and evaluation of AI-based methods and systems to support and automate decisions  
  • Acceptance/Adoption and economic value of artificial intelligence

Our research is application-orientated and takes place in interdisciplinary teams. Applications can be found, for example, in the fields of energy, logistics/transport, finance, culture, and sport.

soda.lab - So­cial & Data-In­tens­ive Com­put­ing Lab

The soda.lab is available to our students for final theses and modules in the Department of Information Systems. It includes powerful servers and workstations with GPUs that enable deep learning, complex simulations and realistic visualizations in real time.

Mitarbeitende tauschen sich auf Sofa aus.


We publish our research results in the leading scientific journals and at international conferences.

Mitarbeiter schreibt etwas an eine Tafel.


Our application-orientated research often takes place in interdisciplinary projects with members from research and practice.


We offer lectures and seminars at the Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral levels.


Module name Module type Semester ECTS Language
Fundamentals of management information systems Lecture summer semester 5 DEU
Methods of Data Science (Film) Lecture winter semester 5 DEU
Predictive Analytics Student research project summer /winter semester 5 DEU/ENG



Module name Module type Semester ECTS Language
Data Science for Business Lecture winter semester 5 ENG/DEU
Applied Machine Learning for Text Analysis Seminar winter semester 10 ENG/DEU
Real-World Machine Learning Projects Seminar summer semester 10 ENG/DEU



Module name Module type Semester ECTS Language
Machine Learning for Research Seminar summer semester (irregular) 6 ENG



The Department of Information Systems does not participate in the centralized allocation procedure of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Consequently, the application process varies for each chair.

Our application deadlines are as follows:

  • Winter semester: January 1 - February 28 (29)
  • Summer semester: July 1 - August 31

To apply, please submit the following:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Current transcript of records
  • Letter of application

Your letter should express your interest in "Data Analytics" topics and include suggested themes for your thesis. Please email your complete application to the chair.

We emphasize the importance of a strong interest in a topic as a key to success. Rather than publishing pre-defined topics, we encourage students to bring their own interests and define their thesis topics in consultation with a chair member.

Occasionally, we offer theses with practice partners, where topics are usually predefined. If applicable, you will find these under the relevant heading.

Preparation (template)

Please use this LaTeX template as a guide when designing your thesis !


Meet the brilliant minds driving research and teaching at the Data Analytics Group. Our team is an interdisciplinary blend of experts, each passionate about data-driven decision making in domains ranging from energy over finance to sports.


Find out more about our team here!

Join our team!

Become part of our team, either as a student assistant or research assistant with a Bachelor's degree or as a research assistant after completing your Master's degree.


Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Data Analytics

Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn