Modules at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
During your degree programme, you will take modules consisting of one or more courses. In addition to the courses, such as lectures, tutorials or seminars, a module also contains an examination.
Credit points are awarded according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for the time spent on a module. The amount of time spent on courses is given in semester hours per week (SWS).
Which and how many modules you have to take within your compulsory and elective areas is specified in your study plan or examination regulations. You can find an overview of the modules available for selection together with more detailed information in the module catalogue or module handbook.
Module registration at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
During the first registration phase or the revision phase, register for all modules in PAUL that you would like to complete in the coming semester, taking into account the 45 ECTS limit. Full re-registration is required for enrolment. Information on re-registration can be obtained from the Registrar's Office. The registration of the following components must be ensured:
- Module registration (M.184.XXXX/ M.IBS.XXXX)
- Course registration (course registration via K.184.XXXXX/K.IBS.XXXXX)
- Exam registration (takes place implicitly for M.184. /M.IBS. modules)
As a rule of thumb: Always register for all courses that you can see within a module.
Note that there is generally no "first come, first served" procedure. The success of your admission is independent of when you register for modules with limited participation.
Exception: This does not apply to the small groups in the IBS language courses (K.IBS.XXXXX) in the B.Sc. and M.Sc. International Business Studies, where places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Tutorial: How do I register for modules?
What do you need to consider when registering for a module?
Module de-registration
It is possible to deregister from a module during the first registration phase and the revision phase in PAUL (e.g. under Studies > Semester administration > Status of my registrations) . The decisive factor is the deregistration from the module (M.184.XXXX). Deregistration from courses associated with the module (K.184.XXXXX) has no relevance, as you will only be deregistered from the examination if you deregister from the module.
By deregistering from a module or examination, you do not enter into any obligation to take the module again at a later date, unless it is a compulsory module in your degree programme.
Please note that a shortened revision period applies to modules with limited participation, i.e. the option to deregister from a module ends one week before the revision phase ends.
Exam cancellation
It is no longer possible to deregister from modules after the end of the revision phase. If you no longer wish to take part in a module, you can deregister from the examination in PAUL(Studies > Examination administration > My examinations) from the summer semester 2024 onwards up to two days before the first examination in a module(change to the examination deregistration deadline).
You can find out when an examination takes place in a module from the intermediate examination dates or examination dates. If a module does not have an intermediate examination, the final examination is the first examination. You can check whether you have successfully deregistered from the examination in PAUL under My examinations.
Please note that if you do not attend an examination without deregistering, a failed attempt will be registered in your performance account.
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Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn