Reg­u­lar ex­am can­cel­la­tion

As a general rule, if you do not wish to take the examination in a module, you can deregister from the module up to one week before the first examination without a valid reason.

You can find out when an examination takes place in a module from the intermediate examination dates or examination dates. If a module does not have an intermediate examination, the final examination is the first examination. You can check whether you have successfully deregistered from the examination in PAUL under My examinations.

Please note that if you do not attend an examination without deregistering, a failed attempt will be registered in your performance account.


Note: Changing the exam cancellation deadline

The deadline for deregistration without a valid reason will be changed to 2 days before the first examination date for examinations from summer semester 2024.

With­draw­al from or can­cel­la­tion of an ex­am­in­a­tion due to ill­ness

If you are ill on a (partial) examination date and wish to withdraw from the examination, you must submit an application for withdrawal and a medical certificate to the relevant examination office. If the module consists of several examination parts, please indicate whether

  • you wish to withdraw from the entire module and its examinations (= no failed attempt)
  • you only wish to withdraw from a partial examination (= this partial examination will be graded with 5.0)
  • you will be offered a replacement examination for the missed part as a gesture of goodwill in order to complete the module. In this case, you will need confirmation of the new examination date from the module coordinator.


Please note:

  • The cancellation request must be submitted no later than five working days after the examination date together with the medical certificate. Saturdays count as working days and therefore count towards the deadline.
  • Submitting a certificate of incapacity for work ("yellow slip") is not sufficient. Similarly, retroactive certification of inability to take examinations is not permitted.
  • Incomplete withdrawal applications or medical certificates may not be considered. It is therefore in your own interest to ensure that all information is complete.

Im­port­ant in­form­a­tion on with­draw­ing from or can­cel­ling an ex­am­in­a­tion

All information on withdrawing from examinations, a form for applying for withdrawal and further information on how to apply can be found on the website of the Central Examination Office (ZPS).

Learn more

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