Our research approach is conceptual-empirical. We expand and combine existing theories and test the derived hypotheses quantitatively and empirically with company-level data (Thomson Reuters, Orbis), individual-level data (BoardEx, GSOEP, sports data, Facebook), or a combination of both. We enjoy conducting research in teams that cross not only national but also disciplinary boundaries.
Our research foci are:
Sustainable HRM & Leadership
Transformation of Work and Sustainable Use of Human Resources
Responsible Leadership & Ethical Human Relations
Green HRM & Leadership
Can You Go Home Again? Performance Assistance Between Boomerangs and Incumbent Employees
T. Grohsjean, G. Dokko, P. Yang, Organization Science (2024).
A (Bounded) Preference for Rule Breakers
S.W. Wakeman, P. Yang, C. Moore, Academy of Management Discoveries (2024).
Performance management and work engagement – New evidence using longitudinal data
S. Ehmann, P. Kampkötter, P. Maier, P. Yang, Management Accounting Research 64 (2023).
Multiple Team Membership Arrangements: Putting the Worker Front and Center
O. Moore, T.L. Rapp, S. Mistry, B.S. Bell, R. Grossman, J. Miller, K.D. Finuf, E. Sackett, A. Mayo, H. Tenzer, P. Yang, M. Hoegl, S. Wütz, M.J. Vaulont, J. Nahrgang, N. Black, E. Crawford, J.A. Margolis, O. Moore, Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (2023).
Exploring the impact of specialist and generalist stars on organizational performance
G. Nalbantis, C. Manger, T. Pawlowski, P. Yang, SSRN Electronic Journal (2023).
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Bachelor modules
Module name | Semester | ECTS | Language | Contact |
M.184.3183 Sustainable Leadership Lecture with exercise | WS/Season | 10 | English, German | Prof. Dr. Philip Yang |
M.184.3185 Sustainable Behavior in Organisations Seminar | WS/SoSe | 5 | English | Emily Nass Prof. Dr. Philip Yang |
Modules in the Master's programme
Module name | Semester | ECTS | Module language | Contact |
M.184.5183 Empirical Studies in SHRM & Leadership Seminar | WS | 5 | English | Prof. Dr Philip Yang |
M.184.5185 Evidence-Based HRM & Leadership Seminar | WS/SoSe | 5 | English | Prof. Dr Philip Yang |
If you would like to write your thesis at our chair, we expect you to submit a letter of motivation. This should be about half a page long, in which you write something about yourself, what interests you and which topics you can imagine within the research areas of our chair. The letter of motivation applies to Bachelor's and Master's theses.
All other documents to be submitted for the thesis application can be found on the pages of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Of course, these also apply to our chair.
We are convinced that supervision in small groups and regular meetings ensures the best final theses. That's why we start with all students together at the beginning of each semester. We meet with the Bachelor's and Master's thesis students every 1-2 weeks. In this way, you can refine your topic step by step and receive extensive feedback on your thesis.
For Bachelor's theses, we recommend the form of a literature review. Master's theses can be qualitative, quantitative or a literature review.
On this page you will find format templates for writing your thesis in German and English.
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