WIWI.STOR­IES: What does a de­gree pro­gramme in eco­nom­ics ac­tu­ally look like?

Our students and alumni tell their exciting stories. Be inspired by our wiwi.stories and discover the opportunities that studying at UPB offers you.

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After completing his bachelor's degree in Aleppo, Ibrahim Fares continued his academic career and successfully completed his master's degree in International Economics and Management at Paderborn University in 2019. Today he works as an M&A Finance Manager at Metro AG. His time at Paderborn University shaped him both in his academic and personal development.

"I hope that in seven months' time I can look back on many valuable experiences and an instructive time." That's what Anna-Lena said last year after the first two months of her stay abroad in Denmark. At that time, she still had another seven months ahead of her, which she finally completed in June 2023. After returning home, Anna-Lena not only has souvenirs and other mementos in her luggage, but one thing above all: unforgettable experiences on a personal and professional level.

Marie Großeschallau completed her Bachelor's degree in International Business Studies (IBS) in summer 2023. Before writing her Bachelor's thesis, however, she first spent a semester abroad at the other end of the world - in Japan. She tells us what she experienced there and which experiences Marie will never forget.

Seit 2018 studiert Jessica Dinkel International Business an der Universität Paderborn. Während ihres Masterstudiums hat sie zwei Semester im Ausland verbracht. Im Osten Finnlands ließ sie sich neben Zimtschnecken auch von Nordlichtern und sagenhaften Schneemengen begeistern.

André Drößus graduated from Paderborn University in 2011 with a degree in economics. By chance, he was drawn to Fellowmind Germany, where he spent many years as a consultant introducing the latest technologies to other companies and their employees. André Drößus has now been taking on the challenge of the Team Lead role since 2018. However, he has never completely put his expertise in consulting and lecturing on ice.

Julian Müller began his studies in 2016 with a bachelor's degree in economics, which he completed six years later with a master's degree in business administration. Since then, he has found his place in the heart of Paderborn as Project Manager at Wohlsein GmbH and now looks back on his beginnings behind the bar in the former nightclub.

In spring 2023, Lea Maurer handed in her Bachelor's thesis and completed her degree in International Business Studies (IBS). Her heart was already beating for foreign languages at school, so she was able to focus on languages and business studies in this subject. Through an internship and a subsequent position as a working student, Lea immersed herself deeper and deeper into the professional world and found her own personal place at the MBG Group.

Dr Anna Gehring completed her degree in Business Administration at Paderborn University five years ago. She then decided to do a doctorate at the chair of Prof Dr Andreas Eggert in order to immerse herself further in the field of marketing. As an expert in the field of B2B marketing, she then joined the management consultancy UNITY AG.

Dr Thomas Kranert successfully completed his degree in business education at the University of Hamburg in 2011. He then moved directly to Paderborn University. There, he completed his doctorate at the Chair of Business and Vocational Education under Prof Dr Hugo Kremer until 2017. Today, as Head of Project Management at Schüco Interior Systems, a subsidiary of Schüco International KG in Bielefeld, he looks back on his doctorate and talks about his day-to-day work.

Linda Radtke spent the winter semester 2022/23 in Poznan. She has had a great passion for foreign languages and other cultures since her school days, which is why Poland was not her first experience abroad. Although Linda actually had completely different plans for her semester abroad, she recommends Poznań University of Economics to anyone interested in studying abroad.

Lorena Stelzer completed her bachelor's degree in sports economics three years ago and then decided to deepen her knowledge of economics with a master's degree in business administration. She gained her first professional experience in the field of sports economics through an internship and still works as a student trainee in finance and controlling at SC Paderborn.

It has only been two months since Svenja Toepsch spent her winter semester in Norway at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The Scandinavian countries inspired Svenja long before her studies. During her stay abroad, her initial expectations were not only met, but exceeded.

How maths and statistics still accompany India today

Six years ago, India completed her Bachelor's degree in International Business Studies (IBS) before graduating with a Master's degree in International Economics and Management (IEM). Her studies always left her enough time to gain practical experience and discover career opportunities and requirements. Maths was a constant companion.

New York, Shanghai or Colombia - the list of places that economics students choose for an internship abroad is long. But why travel to the other side of the world when you can gain practical experience in a neighbouring country? Anna-Lena is leading the way: She completed her IBS degree in Paderborn in the summer and decided to build on her knowledge with an internship abroad.

What makes Paderborn special as a small town

Binh Thanh Chu from Vietnam spent her winter semester 2015/16 at Paderborn University. Sponsored by the Erasmus+ programme, the 27-year-old spent six months away from her home country in Germany. She now works in the Vietnamese branch of a Singaporean marketing and sales company. In an interview, she told us about her personal benefits, learnings and experiences.

"We want to offer street artists from the Global South a stage in Europe!"

That is the vision of Felix, Thorben and Lindsey. Together they founded UFUNDI and are well on the way to realising their vision. All three are studying at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. UFUNDI imports hand-painted paintings from Tanzania to Germany in order to offer the artists a stage on the European market.

How Johannes was enchanted by Colombia's diversity

It has now been six months since Johannes spent his winter semester in Colombia at the University of EAFIT. However, the student is still amazed by the country's diversity: "In a small boat in the Pacific, watching whales off Colombia's west coast and accompanying turtles on their first journey into the sea on the beach in the morning. Travelling through the desert in a jeep, along the Caribbean coast on the way to the northernmost point of South America or observing the vibrant city of eternal spring, Medellín, surrounded by mountains."

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