Welcome to the Chair of Information Systems, Social Computing

Prof Dr Matthias Trier

In research and teaching, we deal comprehensively with innovative technologies and digital social behaviour in the context of social media and digital cooperation. This includes the analysis of digital customer behaviour on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram or Reddit, the evolution of employee networking over time, e.g. with event-based dynamic network analysis, barriers and opportunities for the exchange of expertise in companies or new digital interaction possibilities in social VR. Join us on this journey and feel free to contact us

Yours, Prof Dr Matthias Trier

Prof. Trier investigates phenomena of electronic communication and social influence effects in online media within and outside the organisation using a mixed methods approach that combines quantitative, qualitative and network analytical methods. Example topics include the implementation/application of social media, online participation, the design of electronic discourses (e.g. from a management perspective), information transfer, dissemination processes or bottom-up community development in the context of knowledge management initiatives. A particular methodological focus is the development of an event-driven method for dynamic network analysis (see corresponding softwarewww.commetrix.net). It enables research into new structures and dynamic processes of human networking.

Bach­el­or pro­gramme

Our Bachelor's programme

Mas­ter's pro­gramme

Our Master's programme

Tips for fi­nal theses

Our tips and advice on writing your thesis at our department

Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Social Computing

Building Q
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
+ 49 5251 603256 Directions