
If you wish to continue your studies after the end of the semester, you must declare this in the form of re-registration. Re-registration is deemed to have taken place when the full semester fee has been credited to the university's account by the deadline.


Re-registration upon graduation?

The last examinations required for graduation and/or the final thesis are often taken at the end of a semester. Enrolment is required until the examinations have been taken or the thesis submitted. After that, you can apply for de-registration at the Registrar's Office. If you do not re-enrol for the following semester, de-registration will be initiated at the end of the semester.

Waiting for results, which can often only be entered and published in the following semester, as well as issuing and receiving the final documents does not require enrolment and therefore no re-registration for the following semester! It is up to you to decide whether you want to re-enrol for the following semester "just to be on the safe side" (in case you fail examinations). In this case, you can apply to the Registrar's Office to be de-registered at a later date; you can apply at any time. Whether or how much of the semester fee you have paid can then be refunded depends on the date of your application.

In­form­a­tion on re-re­gis­tra­tion from the Re­gis­trar's Of­fice

Further information

Leave of ab­sence

Would you like to take a leave of absence? A semester of leave of absence is an official interruption to your studies - a passive semester in which the number of semesters of study does not increase. Leave of absence from studies can be granted upon application if there is an important reason is proven.



If you would like to apply for a semester off to complete an internship, there must be special reasons for this, which must be confirmed by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. You can obtain the certificate from the study office. You will need

  • the completed application for leave of absence
  • your student ID card
  • the internship contract (incl. job description)


Exmatriculation cancels your membership of Paderborn University. There are various reasons for exmatriculating from a degree programme at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics:

  • Termination of studies after examination has been completed
  • Degree programme completed, but examination not yet completed
  • Termination of studies without examination
  • Termination after finally failing an examination
  • Change of university
  • Called up for military or civilian service
  • Abandonment or interruption of studies
  • Not taking up studies

Further information (from the Registrar's Office)

Leave of absence

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De­gree and cer­ti­fic­ate

The degree programme is completed when the last academic achievement has been recorded in PAUL. Normally, your examinations office will determine your degree itself, issue your degree documents (certificate, diploma, diploma supplements and transcripts of records) and send them by post to the address you have entered in PAUL approx. 2-3 weeks after determination. You will be de-registered by the Registrar's Office at the end of the semester you have started if you do not apply for earlier de-registration*.

Day of Eco­nom­ic Sci­ences

Every autumn, the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and the Paderborner Hochschulkreis e. V. organise the Day of Economics. Doctoral graduates, graduates of the faculty and their relatives are cordially invited to celebrate their successful graduation together with us.

The next Economics Day is expected to take place on 16 November 2024. Registrations will be possible from October. All graduates will also have the opportunity to sign the yearbook.