Discover the diversity of the Business and Economics degree programme at Paderborn University!

Immerse yourself in the world of Business Administration, International Business Studies, International Economics, Management Information Systems, Sports Economics, Business Informatics and Business Education. Our degree programmes are carefully coordinated and offer an interdisciplinary perspective that combines economics and information society. On the following pages you will find comprehensive information that will give you an insight into your studies.



Prü­fung­s­plan für das Som­mersemester 24 ist on­line

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In­form­a­tion event on the pro­fil­ing phase

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Ac­cess­ib­il­ity of the study of­fice via Christi Him­mel­fart

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The most important things for starting your studies

Start of the Bachelor's programme

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Start of the Master's programme

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Studying before the Abitur

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Support services

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Everything about the study organisation