Close-up of a chip.

Re­search areas

The research focus of our chair is in the fields of production, logistics and controlling.

Learn more
Exterior view of the library of Paderborn University in autumn.


News publications: - News on production, controlling and logistics (2022) - Recent developments in production and controlling (2020) - Industrial controlling (2018)

Further publications


Module name Semester ECTS Language Person responsible
W1202 - Taxation, Accounting & Finance SS 10 DEU Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz
W2251 - Production Management WS 10 DEU Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz
W2252 - Applied Methods in Management Accounting WS 5 ENG

Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz;
Dipl. Kfm. Otto Schümer

W2253 - Selected Instruments of Supply Chain Management


Prof. Dr Stefan Betz;
Dr Fabian Solbach

W2291 - Bachelor thesis SS/WS 10 DEU
Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz
W3281 - Specialisations in Production, Logistics and Controlling (PLC) SS/WS 10 DEU
Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz
W3282 - Special areas of production, logistics and controlling (PLC) SS/WS 5 DEU
Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz




Module name Semester ECTS Language Contact
W4251 - Logistics Management SS 10 DEU Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz
W4255 - Selected decision problems in production management SS 5 DEU Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz
W4291 - Master thesis SS/WS 20 DEU
Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz
W4283 - Special specialisation in Production, Logistics and Controlling (PLC) SS/WS 10 DEU
Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz
W4284 - Special specialisation in Production, Logistics and Controlling (PLC) SS/WS 5 DEU
Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz

Ex­amples of past thes­is top­ics

Pro­duc­tion man­age­ment

Implications of integrating additive manufacturing processes into production process planning / Presentation and evaluation of selected instruments of sustainable production management / Development of a sustainability-oriented balanced scorecard for the automotive industry

In­dus­tri­al con­trolling

Introduction of activity-based costing using the example of an electronic connection technology company / Integration of sustainability aspects into selected controlling instruments / Application of the total cost of ownership concept to electrically powered commercial vehicles

Lo­gist­ics man­age­ment

Conception of operational planning software for internal transport control at Miele & Cie KG / Integration of sustainability into the international site selection of Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG / Possible applications of e-mobility within cross-site company logistics

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion


Notes on the preparation of scientific papers

Thes­is archive

Complete overview of theses already awarded


We take part in the centralised allocation procedure for final theses. The procedure distributes the students who wish to write a thesis fairly among the professorships.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Betz

More about the person

Dr. Mathis Heidmann

More about the person

Daniel Plückebaum

More about the person

Verena Jostmeier

More about the person

Dipl.-Kfm. Oliver Opitz

More about the person


Your name Telephone number Room Office hours e-mail address


Thomas Kühn

+49 5251 60-5367 Q5.134 n.a. Secretariat


Florian Michajlezko

+49 5251 60-5364 Q5.137 n.a. Secretariat


Oliver Opitz

+49 5251 60-5365 Q5.143 n.a. Secretariat

Niclas Rempe,

M. Sc.

+49 5251 60-5365 Q5.143 n.a. Secretariat


Stefan Seggebruch

+49 5251 60-5366 Q5.140 n.a. Secretariat
Your name Telephone number Room Office hours E-mail

Prof Dr Christian Faupel

+49 5251 60-5362 Q5.146 n.a. Secretariat

Dr. rer. pol. Oliver Harborth

+49 5251 60-5362 Q5.146 n.a. Secretariat

Dr rer. pol. Ingmar Heitmann

+49 5251 60-5362 Q5.146 n.a. Secretariat

Prof. Dr Christian Koch

+49 5251 60-5362 Q5.146 n.a. Secretariat

Dr rer. pol. Malte Ortgiese

+49 5251 60-5362 Q5.146 n.a. Secretariat

Dr rer. pol. Lennart Osthoff

+49 5251 60-5362 Q5.146 n.a. Secretariat

Prof. Dr Christoph Puls

+49 5251 60-5362 Q5.146 n.a. Secretariat

Dr rer. pol. Fabian Solbach

+49 5251 60-5362 Q5.146 n.a. Secretariat