What are ca­pa­city-lim­ited mod­ules?

At the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, there are modules for which only a limited number of participants can be admitted.

You can find out whether a module has such a participant limit in the module description. In addition to the binding information regarding the participant limit, you will also find information in the module descriptions as to whether an additional application via the chair may be necessary in order to be admitted to the module.

Modules with limited capacity can only be registered for in the 1st registration phase. Please note that registration in PAUL does not automatically mean that you have been admitted to the module. After the end of the 1st enrolment phase, a selection of participants will be made on the basis of the enrolment figures. Before the start of the revision phase, you will find information on the type of participant selection in the individual modules together with the admission and waiting lists on this website. In addition, during the revision phase, updates on the admission and waiting lists for modules with a participant selection will be published via the study office.

Mod­ules with lim­ited ca­pa­city in winter semester 2024/2025

To make it easier for you to plan your semester, we have compiled an overview of all modules with limited capacity for the winter semester 2024/2025 below. The list of modules is based on the information in the module descriptions. Please note that the binding specification of the participant limit can be found in the module description.

Module number Module name Limit
M.184.2101 Arbeits- und Personalpsychologie 150
M.184.2124 Impact Entrepreneurship: Globale Herausforderungen unternehmerisch lösen 24
M.184.2125 Praxisseminar: Innovation im Mittelstand II 10
M.184.2127 Ideen der Unternehmensgründung 50
M.184.2130 Start-up Ideation & Canvas 10
M.184.2137 The Economics of Professional and Leisure Sports 30
M.184.2138 The Management and Economics of Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) 30
M.184.2149 Leadership in Practice 40
M.184.2157 Fallstudien zu organisationalem Verhalten 15
M.184.2159 Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens für Forschungsprojekte  10
M.184.2176 Finding and Developing your Research Project 10
M.184.2179 Wrongdoing & Whistleblowing in Organizations 40
M.184.2185 Prinzipien der Wirtschaftsethik 50
M.184.2187 Forschungsseminar Corporate Governance 25
M.184.2248 25 Minute Papers (Bachelor) 6
M.184.2275 Seminar zum Planspiel Börse 24
M.184.2326 Studienarbeit Social Media 12
M.184.2357 Innovative Ideas Seminar (Undergraduate) 15
M.184.2393 ERCIS Business Process Management Winter School 5
M.184.2473 Einführung in die multivariate Statistik mit SPSS 30
M.184.2539 Team- und Beziehungsprozesse reflektiert gestalten 30
M.184.2545 Einführung in den Wirtschaftsunterricht: Wirtschafts- und Geschäftsprozesse gestalten (nicht Lehramt) 15
M.184.3128 Praxisseminar: Innovation im Mittelstand I 10
M.184.3143 Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Personalökonomie 25
M.184.3154 Innovation in Intercultural Virtual Teams 40
M.184.3183 Sustainable Leadership 75
M.184.3184 Scientific Research in SHRM & Leadership 10
M.184.3310 Grundlagen von Social Media und kooperativen Technologien 200
M.184.3312 Digital Collaboration - Plattformen in der Praxis 30
M.184.3324 Studienarbeit Predictive Analytics 12
M.184.3344 Studienarbeit Informationssicherheitsmanagement 15
M.184.3345 Fostering sustainability: a digitalization perspective 10
M.184.3362 Studienarbeit OR 6
M.184.3421 Fostering sustainability: an economic perspective 10
M.184.3481 Seminar Statistik und empirische Wirtschaftsforschung 22
M.184.4101 Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie 50
M.184.4114 Relationship Driven Selling: Theory & Practice 20
M.184.4123 Start-up Business Model Development 10
M.184.4125 Entrepreneurial Business Planning 32
M.184.4127 Praxis der Unternehmensgründung 150
M.184.4129 Corporate Entrepreneurship I 20
M.184.4136 Applied Research Management 35
M.184.4137 Applied Organizational Economics: Theory and Empirical Evidence 30
M.184.4139 Happiness Economics I 15
M.184.4157 Seminar Organisationales Verhalten 15
M.184.4159 Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens für Forschungsprojekte  10
M.184.4162 Seminar on Decision Making Using Concepts From Behavioral Economics 20
M.184.4164 Empirische Managementforschung 40
M.184.4176 Finding and Developing Your Research Project 10
M.184.4205 Behavioral Corporate Finance 25
M.184.4248 25 Minute Papers (Master) 6
M.184.4255 Ausgewählte Entscheidungsprobleme im Produktionsmanagement 15
M.184.4324 Master Seminar Social Business Analytics & Management 60
M.184.4328 Virtual Reality Experiments - Interaktion in der virtuellen Organisation 16
M.184.4341 Microeconometrics on Digital Market Data 12
M.184.4411 International Finance – Currencies and Exchange Rates 30
M.184.4416 Environmental Economics 50
M.184.4427 Seminar in Applied International Economics 20
M.184.4548 Ökonomische Theorie und Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung 50
M.184.4614 Recht der Datenwirtschaft und der Digitalisierung 40
M.184.5114 Relationship Marketing in the Digital Age 25
M.184.5128 Corporate Entrepreneurship II 10
M.184.5133 Seminar zur Organisationsökonomie: Sport Economics I 20
M.184.5134 Seminar zur Organisationsökonomie: Sport Economics II 30
M.184.5139 Happiness Economics II 15
M.184.5140 Interdisziplinäres Seminar in Personalwirtschaft 25
M.184.5141 Employer Branding 40
M.184.5143 Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Personalökonomie 25
M.184.5156 Verhaltensexperimente 40
M.184.5174 Praxisprojekt Marketing und Value Creation 20
M.184.5183 Empirical Studies in SHRM & Leadership 16
M.184.5184 Scientific Research in SHRM & Leadership 10
M.184.5203 Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestures 24
M.184.5331 Applied Machine Learning for Text Analysis 20
M.184.5342 Project seminar: Advanced Topics in Information Security Management 15
M.184.5343 Strategisches IT-Management - eine Forschungsperspektive 20
M.184.5350 Innovative Ideas Seminar (Graduate) 15
M.184.5357 Risiko-Management 30
M.184.5361 Seminar OR 10
M.184.5480 Seminar Microeconometrics 20
M.184.5490 Seminar Information Economics 30
M.184.5508 Organisationsentwicklung II, Fokus Organisationen mit öffentlichen Aufgaben insb. Hochschulen 20
M.184.5509 Wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen und Forschungsmethodik der Wirtschaftspädagogik in digitalen 20
M.184.5510 Vertiefungsseminar „New Learning – Neue Gestaltungskonzepte der beruflichen Bildung für digitale Lernwelten 15
M.184.5539 Team- und Gruppenprozesse anleiten, verstehen und reflektieren 30

How are par­ti­cipants se­lec­ted?

Participants are selected either directly via the chairs or via the module selection regulations of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Please note that changes may occur during the selection process, e.g. an increase in the number of participants in individual modules.

For some modules, the maximum number of participants was not reached in previous semesters. There may be remaining places for these modules in the revision phase. In addition, modules that were originally designated as limited can still be opened at a later date.

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