Corporate Finance and Financial Reporting

The professorship's research and teaching combines both empirical corporate finance and financial accounting. The combination of both fields makes it possible to gain insights into the effects of information and its processing on different financial markets. This fascination is also evident in the teaching of finance and financial accounting as well as in the research that combines both fields. Frequent subjects of research are banks and private companies, which offer a rich empirical environment and interesting twists.


Teamgespräch mit Diskussion an Besprechungstisch.


Publications in relevant high quality journals such as Management Science, European Accounting Review, Journal of Business Venturing and Leadership Quarterly are highly influential, and success in attracting competitive external funding for research is a rewarding and motivating recognition.

Publication overview

„Mich fasziniert, wie man durch empirische Analysen gesellschaftlich relevante Fragen beantworten kann und wie diese Erkenntnisse die Realität besser erklärbar machen.”

Prof. Dr. Jan Riepe,
Professor für Finanzwirtschaft und Unternehmensrechnung