Corporate Finance and Financial Reporting

The professorship's research and teaching combines both empirical corporate finance and financial accounting. The combination of both fields makes it possible to gain insights into the effects of information and its processing on different financial markets. This fascination is also evident in the teaching of finance and financial accounting as well as in the research that combines both fields. Frequent subjects of research are banks and private companies, which offer a rich empirical environment and interesting twists.



The professorship's research is methodologically sophisticated, utilises extensive data and innovative approaches. It often works with so-called "natural experiments", in which external changes such as new laws or unexpected events are observed in order to analyse their effects.

Research here focuses on analysing the effects of transparency in the financial sector, the decline of local newspapers and gender diversity research.

Teamgespräch mit Diskussion an Besprechungstisch.


Die Veröffentlichungen in einschlägigen hochqualitativen Zeitschriften wie Management Science, European Accounting Review, Journal of Business Venturing und Leadership Quarterly haben einen hohen Einfluss, und der Erfolg bei der Einwerbung von wettbewerbsfähigen Drittmitteln für die Forschung ist eine lohnende und motivierende Anerkennung.

Zur Publikationsübersicht


The professorship's teaching serves to prepare students for the dynamic working environment and to sensitise them to the impact of economic decisions on society. Enthusiasm and interest are at the centre of the courses here. Students should develop the ability to critically analyse economic contexts and deal with practical challenges.

„Mich fasziniert, wie man durch empirische Analysen gesellschaftlich relevante Fragen beantworten kann und wie diese Erkenntnisse die Realität besser erklärbar machen.”

Prof. Dr. Jan Riepe,
Professor für Finanzwirtschaft und Unternehmensrechnung

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Corporate Finance and Financial Reporting

Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn