The audit com­mit­tees

The examination boards are responsible for the implementation of and compliance with the applicable examination regulations and are each made up of seven voting members, two of whom are students.

There are several examination boards for the approximately 5,000 students at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics: The Business and Economics Examination Board and the Business Information Systems and Management Information Systems Examination Board.

Below you will find information on which examination board is responsible for which degree programme, on which matters you can contact the examination board responsible for you and how to submit an application.


The responsibilities of the examination boards are as follows:

Examination Board for Economics, Chairman Prof David Bartlitz

  • Responsible for the Bachelor's degree programmes in Economics, International Business Studies, Sports Economics and all Master's degree programmes (except Business Informatics and Management Information Systems)


Examination Board Business Informatics & MIS, Chairman Prof Matthias Trier

  • Responsible for the degree programmes Business Information Systems (Bachelor and Master) and Management Information Systems

Mat­ters re­lat­ing to the audit com­mit­tees

The application for recognition should be submitted by the end of the first semester of enrolment in the respective degree programme at the latest, provided that the credits were earned before enrolment. If the credits were earned after enrolment, the application must be submitted by the end of the semester following the respective acquisition at the latest. These deadlines apply accordingly to the recognition of other knowledge and qualifications.


Change of university:
You can find more information on credit transfer at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics here.


Semester abroad:
You can find more information on the recognition of academic achievements during a semester abroad here.


Please refer to the information below when submitting applications.

If you wish to rebook examinations, please contact the Central Examination Office directly. If your application cannot be processed there, you will be forwarded to the relevant examination board by the ZPS.

Please note

Occasionally there are supposedly incorrect bookings for three main reasons:

1) the wrong application in the repeat case.

2) as soon as there is an overbooking.

3) failure to register for the examination AND the course.

Please pay attention to these factors and contact the ZPS if you have any questions.



The 20/30 rule does not apply to both the new [version: issue 19.18 of 11 July 2018] and the old [version: issue of 27 September 2012 (AM.Uni.Pb. 42/12) last amended by the statutes of 10 July 2018 (AM.Uni.PB. 15./18)] Examination regulations.

The following applies: Students can only be admitted to examinations in the profiling phase if they have earned all credit points in the assessment phase or have not exceeded the fourth semester.

No exceptions to this rule are possible. Therefore, please do not submit an application to the Examination Board on this topic!

In principle, no subsequent admissions to modules will be authorised after the end of the revision phase for reasons of equal treatment. Exceptions can only be granted if it can be proven by a doctor that the student was unable to enrol.

Therefore, please do not submit an application to the Examination Board on this topic!

A placement recommendation is only made as part of your application for a higher semester at Paderborn University. The following documents are required for a placement recommendation:

  • A copy of your signed application documents/application for admission to higher semesters or your Paul application number
  • A current overview of the coursework you have already completed
  • The module description of the module achievements of the respective university

All information on credit transfer can be found here.

How do I sub­mit an ap­plic­a­tion to the ex­am­in­a­tion board?

Please always read through the procedure for individual questions 1-5 for your degree programme first and identify your direct contact person for your enquiry. Only write to the Chair of the Examination Board if all upstream contact persons are not relevant to your enquiry or if UPB staff have suggested direct contact to the PA. Please note that an examination board cannot suspend or ignore the examination regulations at will and that there is therefore only very limited room for manoeuvre. If you are unsure about your enquiry or the contact person, first contact the General Student Advisory Service of the WiWi Studies Office again. Some issues can certainly be clarified here.

An application to the examination board responsible for you should contain the following information:

  • Recipient: The Chair of the Examination Board for Economics, Prof David Bartlitz or
    the Chair of the Examination Board for Information Systems, Prof Matthias Trier.

  • Subject: Application for [name of title from points 1-5]

  • Content: The relevant contents of the application can be found in points 1-5

  • Planned degree: It is important that you indicate which degree you are aiming for (Bachelor/Master Winfo, MIS, WiWi etc.)

  • In addition: Always state your full name and your matriculation or applicant number.


All enquiries to the Examination Board are scrupulously checked. All regulations of the examination regulations are decisive for the decision-making process. All information and documents relevant to the matter must be submitted with the application. Documents submitted at a later date cannot be taken into account in the decision.

Please refrain from submitting multiple requests during the processing procedure, as it may take some time to respond due to the large number of requests from all students.

Applications and emails that lack a minimum of courtesy and formal correctness will not be processed.