Doctorate at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Are you interested in doing a doctorate at Paderborn University? We are delighted that you would like to continue on the academic path! We are one of the few faculties in Germany to offer a highly structured doctoral programme. You will have the opportunity to deepen your specialist knowledge to the extent of 30 ECTS credits in order to be able to carry out ideal research work afterwards. Supporting researchers in the early stages of their academic career is extremely important to us. We look forward to working with you in the future!

Sem­inars and work­shops

Faculty research workshop

The biennial Faculty Research Workshop promotes the exchange of research work within the entire Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. This is a particularly good opportunity for junior researchers to present their current work and discuss it with members of the academic community.

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TRR 266/ TAF Research Seminar, TAF Prep Workshop, TAF Brown Bag Seminar

As part of the TRR 266/ TAF Research Seminar, renowned researchers from all over the world present their results. Doctoral candidates and professors from Department 2 actively participate in the seminar through critical and constructive discussion. This culture of exchange refines existing work and generates new ideas.

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Seminar of Economics and Management

The "Seminar of Economics and Management" (SEAM) takes place every Monday from 1 to 2 p.m. in Q4.245. As part of the research seminar, guest researchers have the opportunity to give presentations on current research. Following the lecture, ideas are exchanged in the research café.

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Paderborn Research Colloquium on Information Management & Engineering

As part of the PRIME research seminar, the Department of Information Systems invites leading researchers and promising young female researchers in information systems to Paderborn University.

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Trilateral doctoral candidate seminar Paderborn-Cologne-BiBB

The two-day Trilateral Doctoral Candidate Seminar offers doctoral candidates from vocational education and training research the opportunity to present their research projects to an interested audience of experts from the participating locations and to receive impulses, suggestions and tips for the successful completion of their work.

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Quantitative Economic Days

Undisturbed by everyday university life, the researchers can discuss their individual research projects and give each other feedback in groups as well as in individual discussions at a location outside the university. In addition to personal research, the QED also focuses on further training in the methodological field.

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Austausch bei Wiwis im Q.
Personen sitzen im Foyer und tauschen sich aus.

Let our young re­search­ers in­spire you!

With the Dean's Young Scholar Awards, the Dean's Office team of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics would like to recognise the outstanding achievements of young academics in our faculty. The award is intended to make the successes of young academics even more visible to the outside world.

Young Scholar Awards