Well organised through your studies

When does the semester start? How does the semester planning work? Where can I find the examination timetables? Or how do I make the transition from a Bachelor's to a Master's programme? We have put together the most important information for organising your studies. If you have any further questions, we at the Student Office will be happy to help you personally.

News for students

13.05.2024 - 15.05.2024

LOOK IN! Firmen­kon­takt­messe

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In­ter­na­tionale Begegnun­gen und Wis­sensaustausch: Rückblick auf die Er­fol­greiche BPM Winter School 2024 in Liecht­en­stein"

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18.03.2024 - 21.03.2024

Vorkurs Buch­führung

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Vorkurs Buch­führung

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16.01.2024 - 18.01.2024

The­ment­age Stud­i­en­z­weifel vom 16. bis 18. Janu­ar

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Auftak­tver­an­stal­tung für das „Fest­iv­al des Staunens“ an der Uni­versität Pader­born

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10.01.2024 - 10.01.2024

Hein­er Hei­l­and: The so­cial con­struc­tion of al­gorithms in plat­form-based cour­i­er work

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17.01.2024 - 17.01.2024

In­nov­at­ives Lernen und Arbeiten in der Sahelzone: Auftak­tver­an­stal­tung zum Fest­iv­al des Staunens

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Bis zum 31. Janu­ar für das Ex­zel­len­zpro­gramm be­w­er­ben

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Be­w­er­ten Sie Ihre Lehrver­an­stal­tun­gen

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Va­cancy as SHK or WHB

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Wir grat­ulier­en un­ser­en Ab­solvent*innen

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Sup­port and ad­di­tion­al ser­vices

Workstations in the library of Paderborn University.

Coun­selling & sup­port

As a student, you are responsible for yourself and your studies. You have to set your own goals and determine ways to achieve them. But don't worry, you don't have to go it alone. We offer counselling and support services for every phase of your studies.

Support services
Lecture in the context of the initiative "Neue Mobilität Paderborn" (NeMo Paderborn).

Ac­quir­ing skills along­side your stud­ies

Additional qualifications enable students to open up certain professional fields and signal commitment and interest to companies. Therefore, take advantage of the workshop and certification offers of the faculty and the university to gain further expertise in addition to your course content.

Additional qualifications

Study internationally

Every year, over 200 Paderborn students spend part of their degree programme at one of our partner universities. Our degree programmes also have an international and intercultural focus. The Faculty's Internationalisation Office will be happy to advise you on our cooperation network and the possibilities as well as on credit transfer. If you have any questions about the application process, deadlines and formalities, please contact the International Office. You can also take advantage of our opportunities here in Paderborn to gain intercultural experience, quasi Internationalisation@Home.

Con­tact us

Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Room Q0.216
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
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