Un­der­stand­ing people and tech­no­logy to shape a sus­tain­able fu­ture

In order to overcome key challenges of the next generations, long-term and social phenomena must be taken into account when designing and researching information systems. As part of the Center for Sustainable Economy, we therefore investigate issues in the fields of digital resilience, information security and compliance as well as the analysis of positive and negative effects of information systems (so-called Dark & Bright Sides of IS). We are working on the central socio-technological issues of our time in fields such as health, mobility and energy.


The Chair of Information Systems, in particular Sustainability, focuses on sustainable digitalisation and understands sustainability in the field of digitalisation as a socio-technological challenge in the interaction of information systems, people and processes. In this context, we conduct research into the key issues of our time in fields such as health, mobility and energy.


Our courses aim to teach concepts of sustainable digitalisation and to apply and further develop these together with students. The topics are based on our research focus areas of digital resilience, information security and compliance as well as the "Dark and Bright Sides of Information Systems". Accordingly, we offer courses at the interface of sustainability, digitalisation and strategic management.


The Chair of Information Systems, in particular Sustainability, comprises a diverse team working on various projects and topics. We are always on the lookout for motivated and committed student assistants, research assistants with a Bachelor's degree and research assistants. Take a look at our current job adverts and apply today.



SHK und WHB-Stel­len am Lehr­stuhl von Prof. Trang zu vergeben

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Präsent­a­tion von Forschungsbeiträ­gen auf der ECIS und der PA­CIS

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OT Se­cur­ity Work­shop mit KP­MG

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Be­such der DMEA in Ber­lin

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Umzug in den Tech­no­lo­giepark 8

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Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Nachhaltigkeit

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics - Department 3: Information Systems

Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn