Find the right Bachelor's programme for you!

Discover the diversity of economics in our Bachelor's degree programmes. Each degree programme usually lasts six semesters and prepares you for a career start or an advanced Master's. Our Bachelor's degree programmes offer a comprehensive introduction to various fields of economics with our six departments: Management; Business Informatics; Business Education; Taxation, Accounting & Finance; Economics and Business Law. You also have the opportunity to gain practical experience during your studies. You can also gain international experience in the form of a semester abroad.

Gespräche zwischen Mitarbeitenden.

Erweiterungsfach Wirtschaft für das Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen

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Anteilsfach Management im Zwei-Fach-Bachelor "Kultur und Gesellschaft"

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Drei Mitarbeiter betrachten ein Tafelbild.

B. Ed. Lehramt an Berufskollegs

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Mann betrachtet Grafik an Computer.

B. Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

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B. Sc. Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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Teammeeting an einem Tisch mit einer Tafel.

B. Sc. Sportökonomie

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B. Sc. International Business Studies

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Reasons for studying economics

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Rethinking economics, shaping the future. Get an overview of the degree programmes and opportunities offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University. You are welcome to download our flyer on study culture.

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Study internationally

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Practical study

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Studying together

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Study in a variety of ways

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Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
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