A warm welcome

to the pages of the Chair of Organizational, Media and Sports Economics, held by Prof. Dr. Bernd Frick since July 2007.

Economics is a comprehensive subject that does not only deal with individual, financial facets. It operates across disciplines and finds its application in every field.

This also includes the fields of sport, crime, education, films, alcohol and even church.







Note on the preparation of scientific papers

Style sheets

Templates for writing scientific papers


We participate in the central allocation procedure for theses. The procedure distributes students who would like to write a thesis fairly among the professorships.

Audit Committee Matters

For matters concerning the Economics Examination Board, see here.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Frick

More about the person

Dr. Charlotte Kräft

More about the person

Mojgan Ghayour Najafabadi

More about the person

Alexander Albin Böhnhardt

More about the person


Name College/University Lecture/Seminar E-mail
Prof. Dr. Dennis Coates University of Maryland, Baltimore County, UMBC Applied Research Management Secretariat
Prof. Dr. Robert Simmons Lancaster University The Economics of Professional and Leisure Sports Secretariat
Prof. Dr. Jane Ruseski West Virginia University, Morgantown The Economics of Health Care Systems Secretariat
Prof. Dr. Brad Humphreys West Virginia University, Morgantown Sports Economics Secretariat
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Siebe Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Zukunfts- und Szenario-Management Secretariat