Corporate Governance - Strategic Leadership

In a broad definition, corporate governance generally refers to the institution of institutions and the organisation and control of corporate management in such a way that the welfare of other individuals and institutions with an interest in the continued existence of the company (e.g. employees, local authorities) is safeguarded. Our research and teaching work is based on business ethics as well as personnel, organisational and behavioural economics. Depending on the research question and the information available, various types of data are analysed, including data from our in-house economics experimental laboratory BaER-Lab.


The Business and Economic Research Laboratory (BaER-Lab) is our faculty's experimental laboratory for research into economic issues. Our projects cover the entire research spectrum of our faculty, but we primarily carry out research projects of our chair.

Exterior view of the library of Paderborn University in autumn.


Our research results are published in numerous publications.

Clipboard with clothing sketch on it.


You can find a detailed list of all our projects in the project database.

"You can't be sustainable on your own. No individual, no company and no state can do it, only all of us can."

Prof Dr René Fahr in a laudatory speech at the award ceremony for the Reineccius Medal to Christian Felber, the initiator of the Economy for the Common Good, 2017.