Prof. Dr. Hubert Ertl has been Research Director and Permanent Representative of the President at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) since 1 September 2017. After training as a merchant in wholesale and foreign trade in 1988 and working in this profession for two years, he completed his vocational baccalaureate in 1992 and then his diploma in business education at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 1997. He completed an ERASMUS exchange programme at the University of Birmingham in 1995/1996. Between 1997 and 98 he completed an MSc programme in Comparative and International Education at the University of Oxford, which he completed with a doctoral dissertation on "Modularisation of Vocational Education in Europe: NVQs and GNVQs as a Model for the Reform of Initial Training Provision in Germany?". After holding academic positions at the Paderborn University of Munich, Paderborn University and Oxford, Prof Ertl was Associate Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford until his appointment at BIBB. Since 2010, he has also been a Senior Research Fellow of SKOPE (Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance, University of Oxford). In 2013, as part of this role, he was Head of Exam Board Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and from 2016 Director of MSc Education.

Co-editor of the Journal for Vocational and Business Education

Editor of Research in Comparative and International Education (since 01. 2017)

Member of the editorial boards of the journals Oxford Review of Education and Journal of Vocational Education & Training

Reviewer for Oxford Review of Education, Research in Comparative and International Education, British Educational Research Journal, Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, Journal of Vocational Education & Training and Education and Work

Reviewer of proposals and final reports of ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) research projects in the fields of vocational education and higher education.

Reviewer of research proposals to SRHE (Society for Research in Higher Education).

Reviewer of research proposals for public research funding in a number of European countries, e.g. Netherlands, Portugal, Czech Republic and Cyprus.

Ertl, H. & Eeva, K. (2018): Research on Higher Education and Europeanisation, in: Teixeira, P. & Shin, J. (eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions (Dorderecht: Springer).

Colin McCaig, Neil Harrison, Anna Mountford-Zimdars, Den Moore, Uvanney Maylor, Jacqueline Stevenson, Hubert Ertl, Helen Carasso (2016): Closing the gap: understanding the impact of institutional financial support on student success. Report for OFFA

Ertl, Hubert (2014): A World of Difference? Research on higher and vocational education in Germany and England (Munich: Utz Verlag).
Ertl, Hubert & Dupuy, Claire (eds.) (2014): Students, Markets and Social Justice: Higher education fees and student support policies in Western Europe and beyond, in: Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, Vol. 24, No. 1.
Stasz, Cathleen; Guthrie, Susan; Holmes, Craig; Ertl, Hubert; Castle-Clarke, Sophie; Drabble, Samuel; Villaba Van-Dijk, Lydia (2014): Attractiveness of initial vocational education and training: identifying what matters. Cedefop Research Paper No. 39 (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union).

Zierer, Klaus, Ertl, Hubert, Phillips, David, Tippelt, Rudolf (2013): 'Das Publikationsaufkommen der Zeitschrift für Pädagogik im deutsch-englischen Vergleich', in: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, Vol. 59, No. 3, 400-424.

Ertl, Hubert (2013): 'German Higher Education and the State: A critical appraisal in the light of post-Bologna reforms', in: Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 131-152.

Ertl, H. (2021): Bildungssysteme im Vergleich: Die britische Sicht auf die deutsche Berufsbildung im Zeitverlauf, in: Bellmann, L. et al. (eds.): Schlüsselthemen der beruflichen Bildung in Deutschland. A historical overview of important debates and central fields of research (Bonn: BIBB), 384-398.

Esser, F.H. & Ertl, H. (2021): Vocational training and corona. Actively countering the move away from the dual training system, in: Personalführung, No. 3/2021, 15-20.

Ertl, H. (2020): Dual study programmes in Germany: blurring the boundaries between higher education and vocational training?, in: Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 46, No. 1, 79-95.

Ertl, Hubert (2019): United Kingdom: Formats of vocational-academic dovetailing, in: Euler, D.; Meyer-Guckel, V.; Severing, E. (eds): New paths for study and vocational training. Study-integrating training (Essen: Stifterverband), 43-51.

Ertl, Hubert, Hayward, Geoff, Katarzi, Eugenia (2019): Transitions from vocational to higher education: policy context and practice in England, in: Hemkes, B., Wilbers, Heister, M. (eds.): Durchlässigkeit zwischen beruflicher und hochschulischer Bildung (Bonn: BIBB), 531-551.

Mertova, P., Ertl, H., Zierer, K. (2019): Education journals: A comparison of publishing patterns in Australian, German and English education journals, in: Research in Comparative and International Education, Vol. 14, No. 2, 215-230.

Ertl, Hubert, Hayward, Geoff, Katarzi, Eugenia (2017): 'Transitions from vocational to higher education: policy context and practice in England', in: Wilbers, K., Hemkes, B., Biebeler, H. (eds.): Durchlässigkeit in der beruflichen Bildung.
Ertl, Hubert & Oancea, Alis (2016): 'What Contributions does the European Union Make to Research in the UK Higher Education Sector?', in: Research Intelligence, Vol. 131, 15-17.
Ertl, Hubert (2016): 'Education Studies in the United Kingdom: The educational research landscape as reflected in research evaluation', in: Education Studies, Vol. 52, No. 27, 25-39.
Ertl, Hubert, Zierer, Klaus, Phillips, David, Tippelt, Rudolf (2015): 'Disciplinary traditions and the dissemination of knowledge. An international comparison of publication patterns in journals of education', in: Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 41, No. 1, 64-88.
Ertl, Hubert (2015): 'Partnership-based initial teacher education in England: a discussion of the Oxford Internship Scheme in the light of past and current reform agendas', in: Kuhlee, D., v.Buer, J., Winch, C. (eds.): Governance in Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on England and Germany (Wiesbaden: Springer VS), 61-79.
Esson, James & Ertl, Hubert (2014): 'No point worrying? Potential undergraduates, study related debt, and the financial allure of Higher Education', in: Studies in Higher Education.

Zierer, Klaus & Ertl, Hubert (2014): 'Publish or perish!? Successful publishing in Education Studies journals', in: Der pädagogische Blick, Vol. 22, No. 1, 47-61.

Zierer, Klaus, Ertl, Hubert, Phillips, David, Tippelt, Rudolf (2014): 'Profillinien erziehungswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften. Eine Orientierungshilfe', in: Education Studies, Vol. 25, No. 48, 95-128.
Ertl, Hubert & Allen, Jennifer (2014): 'Higher education at English further education colleges: University education for all?', in: Braukmann, U. et al., (eds.) (2014): Wirtschaftspädagogische Handlungsfelder (Paderborn: Eusl), 306-323.

Zierer, Klaus & Ertl, Hubert (2014): 'Schlüsselfrage - Wie kommt mein Beitrag in eine renommierte Zeitschrift?', in: Forschung & Lehre, Vol. 4/14, 287.
