„Ich fand es extrem gut, dass es das Programm gibt, weil es mir die Nervosität vor der Uni genommen hat. Unsere Klasse hat dadurch einen Vorteil. Wir haben außerdem erfahren, dass man die Klausur, die man schreibt, auch bestehen kann.”

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn.
Teilnehmerin von Studieren vor dem Abi

Further programmes for pupils

Would you like to get a taste of university life during term time? We offer other programmes for different age groups and periods. On this page you will find information on programmes such as "Spring & Autumn University", where you can visit the university during the holidays, or "Come along" to accompany a student through everyday life.

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Con­tact us

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Eileen Brandt

Studieren vor dem Abi in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften


Write email +49 5251 60-5433
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Alexander Will

Studieren vor dem Abi in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften


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Of­fers for study ori­ent­a­tion

Study pro­gramme

As one of the largest economics departments in Germany, we are able to think and teach economics in many different ways. We offer both generalist and specialised economics degree programmes. Our motto: diverse - international - practical - personal!

Stu­dent coun­selling

The Student Office is available as a contact in the field of study & teaching. If you need advice on a possible degree programme, in particular the start of your studies, study structure, course planning or semester planning, you are welcome to make use of the office hours or contact us.