What's go­ing on with us

PAR­SEC kick-off: "Meet & Greet" with joint plant­ing cam­paign

On 25 October, the Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC) held the kick-off event for its "Meet & Greet Seminar Series".

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Shap­ing di­git­al trans­form­a­tion re­spons­ibly

18th "International Conference on Information Systems" at Paderborn University with innovative impulses Setting the course for a responsible digital future together: The progressive spread of digital technologies has improved our private and professional lives in many ways. However, the great impact of these technologies also brings with it great responsibility. At the 18th "International Conference on Information Systems" (WI) in September,…

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"Uni Un­der­ground" in Pader­born Uni­ver­sity city centre

Climate Clash, Uni Stage and Nerd Night: Paderborn University invites pupils and prospective students to a pop-up event From Thursday to Saturday, 26 to 28 October, Paderborn University invites you underground: The "gwlb" (vaulted cellar on Marienplatz) is hosting a pop-up event for school pupils and prospective students over three days. In the "Talk Lounge" from 3 to 6 p.m. (on Saturday from 11 a.m.), they can find out about campus life and the…

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Young re­search­er Raquel Tusi Tami­osso from Brazil vis­its the De­part­ment of Busi­ness Edu­ca­tion

The guest researcher shows that research on higher education combines different disciplines.

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The international summer school "Higher Education Research/Approaches to Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (HoBid)", funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, took place for the third and final time in Paderborn from 11 to 15 September.

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Pader­born sci­ent­ists se­cure the fu­ture of the Soot frame­work for pro­gram­mers with "Fu­tureSoot"

Scientists at Paderborn University have further developed Soot, the world's leading framework for statically analysing Java and Android applications. The "FutureSoot" project, led by Prof Dr Eric Bodden's Secure Software Engineering group and Prof Dr Rüdiger Kabst's Chair of Entrepreneurship, has produced a ground-breaking innovation: SootUP. After around five years of intensive work, the project, which was supported by the German Research…

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