What's go­ing on with us

Kick-off event for the "Fest­iv­al of Amazement" at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Under the motto "Marvelling together, expanding perspectives, overcoming boundaries", the "Highdigenous Live! The Festival of Amazement" will take place from 11 to 13 July. To give you a foretaste, Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider cordially invites all interested parties to a kick-off event on Wednesday, 17 January at 6 pm.

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Photo (Jonas Fromme): Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller (centre) presented the certificates and prizes to this year's award winners at Wiwi-Wonderland. Prof. Dr. Kirsten Thommes (right) received the award for her module "Organisational Behavior". Tizian Matschak (left) accepted the award on behalf of Prof. Dr. Simon Thanh-Nam Trang for the module "Methods of Information Security Management".

Teach­ing Award 2023: Prof Dr Kirsten Thommes and Prof Dr Si­mon Trang re­ceive award from the fac­ulty

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is pleased to announce the winners of the Teaching Award 2023. This semester, for the first time, it was not outstanding lecturers who were nominated, but the best modules. Two prizes were awarded to recognise the diversity of teaching formats - from interactive seminars to comprehensive Bachelor's lectures. Prof. Dr. Kirsten Thommes - Organisational Behavior This year's prize for the "small"…

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Sports economics, mechanical engineering, computer engineering or a teaching degree programme? Paderborn University currently offers around 70 degree programmes and 166 subject combinations in the teaching profession - so the choice is not always easy. The Campus Day will take place on Monday, 15 January, so that prospective students can get to know all these options. The university will open its doors from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and invites pupils and…

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Mer­ging sus­tain­ab­il­ity and ac­count­ing: A look in­to a prom­ising fu­ture

Prof Dr Daniel Reimsbach, an expert in business administration, particularly reporting, governance and sustainability, shows how the two worlds of sustainability and accounting are merging. In a promising professional field, he links figures and sustainability and explores how they influence our decisions. Accounting - that's financial management and cost accounting, but doesn't have much to do with sustainability? Daniel Reimsbach has to…

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Smarter than the ball: ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence in pro­fes­sion­al sport

In collaboration with the SG Flensburg-Handewitt professional handball team, researchers at Paderborn University have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) that is able to predict the timing of goals.

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The di­versity of paths: Karina Kiepe's com­mit­ment to in­nov­at­ive vo­ca­tion­al train­ing

Prof Dr Karina Kiepe researches the field of vocational education and training for sustainable development and transformation. She is strongly orientated towards practical problems and their stakeholders.

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