Prof Dr Karina Kiepe researches the field of vocational education and training for sustainable development and transformation. She is strongly orientated towards practical problems and their stakeholders.
Press release,
Business Administration and Economics,
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics,
Department 2: Taxation, Accounting and Finance,
Researchers at TRR 266 "Accounting for Transparency" at LMU Munich and Paderborn University publish the Tax Complexity Index data for the year 2022. The data now available for four years (2016, 2018, 2020, 2022) provides insights into the development of the rapidly changing tax landscape for multinational corporations (MNCs) around the globe.
On Wednesday, 22 November 2023, the second event of the Meet & Greet seminar series of the Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC) took place. Professor Karina Kiepe, Professor of Business Education, in particular Education for Sustainable Development, and Professor Simon Thanh-Nam Trang, Professor of Information Systems, in particular Sustainability, presented themselves at this event. The two researchers provided insights…
With the Growth Opportunities Act, a law is soon to be passed to promote investment in Germany and thus counteract economic crises. But can the planned measures deliver what they promise?
At board level in large European corporations, women earn an average of 1.2 million euros less per year than their male colleagues. The pay of board members also depends on whether a department is perceived as "typically male" or rather "female". These are the findings of a study by the University of Tübingen, Paderborn University and the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences, which was recently published in The International Journal…
Photo (Besim Mazhiqi): On 18 November, around 170 graduates from the various degree programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University gathered for a festive event in the packed Audimax.
Business Administration and Economics,
WIWI Veranstaltungen
On 18 November, around 170 graduates from the various degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University gathered for a festive event in the packed Audimax.