What's go­ing on with us

Kick-off on 18 March Enrol at your home university and gain international degrees in different countries: The vision of a European campus is gradually becoming a reality. Since the beginning of the year, the European Commission has been sponsoring the COLOURS university alliance as one of a total of 50 initiatives with around 14 million euros. Under the leadership of Paderborn University, the alliance brings together nine international…

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Stu­dents ad­vise com­pan­ies on sus­tain­ab­il­ity

Sustainability often presents companies with challenges. In order to support them in contemporary organisational development, business administration students from Paderborn University have worked with the Stiftung Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie NRW foundation to create a "common good balance sheet" for Caritasverband Ruhr Mitte, Biohofgut Schloss Hamborn and Paderborn energy service provider "Werk.E", which looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the…

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Un­der­stand­ing, ana­lys­ing and eval­u­at­ing busi­ness pro­cesses

First round of the new master's module "Process Mining" successfully completed The end of the lecture period also marked the end of the Master's seminar "Process Mining" offered by Dr Christian Bartelheimer for the first time in the winter semester. Process mining is a technology for analysing process data. The aim is to systematically analyse and evaluate business processes so that various processes can be improved. Process mining makes it…

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Po­ten­tial of e-mo­bil­ity and di­git­al­isa­tion in com­pan­ies

Paderborn University and Weidmüller: Successful research insights for corporate transformation by management students In the course of the mobility transition, e-mobility is becoming increasingly important in order to achieve sustainability goals in the transport sector. Funding programmes are intended to create incentives for drivers to switch to e-mobility. In addition to support for the purchase of electric vehicles, this also includes…

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Top Tal­ent Pro­gramme 2024: gar­age33 spon­sors com­mit­ted stu­dents

Following the successful conclusion of the Top Talent Programme with students from the universities of the Excellence Start-up Center.OWL (ESC.OWL) in July last year, the workshop and event programme is now entering its fourth round. The three-month programme, which is initiated by garage33, Paderborn University's start-up centre, is aimed at motivated and committed students from all disciplines who want to gain qualifications and network…

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New build­ing for the start-up scene in OWL

Start-up Campus OWL celebrates its opening on Berliner Ring Plenty of space for fresh visions: The Start-up Campus OWL, the new home of Paderborn University's start-up centre, garage33, was officially opened on Thursday. The modern property on the former barracks site on the Berliner Ring offers the start-up scene in East Westphalia-Lippe a new home on around 7,000 m². In addition to workspaces for the garage33 team and start-ups, the three…

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