SEAM Lec­ture Archive

For over ten years now, national and international researchers have been visiting Paderborn University to share their latest findings with us at the "Seminar of Economics and Management". Together we discuss developments in economics and management research, make valuable contacts and help shape the future of these exciting disciplines. We look forward to this lively exchange between our international research community and look back on many exciting lectures.


Auctions with a multi-member bidder

Shiran Rachmilevitch


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Work Satisfaction, Engagement and Performance – An Experimental Field Study

Simone Häckl-Schermer
24.04. Approval voting versus proportional threshold methods: so far and yet so near Stéphane Gonzalez
08.05. tba. Rafael Nunes Teixeira
05.06. tba. Simeon Schudy


tba. Eugen Dimant


Internal PHD Talks 



Internal talk to open the seminar series:

Wendelin Schnedler


Correcting Consumer Misperceptions about CO 2 Emissions

Joel van der Weele

A risk-risk trade-off analysis of heatwave-related mortality risk                 

Irene Mussio


Repeated Sampling of Group Members and Norm Perception

Thomas Woiczyck



Eugen Dimant (cancelled)


Researcher Ranking and Reporting Bias: Evidence from Economics

Valon Kadriu


Internal PHD Talks 

Alexander Koch & Tahmina Faizi 

13.06.2022 Artists in the COVID-19 pandemic: Use of lockdown time, skill development, and audience perceptions in Colombia and Spain Javier Rodriguez Camacho
20.06.2022 Competition and ambulatory care quality in Germany Annika Herr
04.07.2022 How AI influences human ethical behavior Nils Köbis


25.10.2021 a Meta-Analysis on willful Ignorance Linh Vu
08.11.2021 Proof under reasonable doubt: Ambiguity of the Norm Violation as Boundary Condition of Third-Party Punishment. Daniel Toribio-Florez
15.11.2021 Cheating with Models Ran Spiegler
22.11.2021 Improving Information from Manipulable Data Navin Kartik
29.11.2021 The Effect of Outsourcing Pricing Algorithms on Market Competition Joseph Harrington
06.12.2021 The Effect of Ambiguity in Strategic Environments: An Experiment Antonio Cabrales
13.12.2021 Cursed yet Satisfied Agents Yiling Chen
17.01.2022 Transaction Fee Mechanism Design Tim Roughgarden
07.02.2022 Attributional ambiguity as moral wiggle room Fiona tho Pesch


19.04.2021 Optimal choice of differentiated goods under perfect information, imperfect information with Bayesian learning, and heuristic rules - a comparison Carina Burs
26.04.2021 Predicting Average Cooperation in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma Drew Fudenberg
03.05.2021 Repugnant Transactions: The Role of Agency and Extreme Consequences Dorothea Kübler
31.05.2021 Keeping Your Friends Close: Land Allocation with Friends Edith Elkind
14.06.2021 Peer networks and entrepreneurship: a Pan-African RCT Fernando Vega Redondo


02.11.2020 Leaving No Ethical Value Behind: Triage Protocol Design for Pandemic Rationing Tayfun Sönmez
16.11.2020 Eliciting moral preferences: Theory and experiment Roland Benabou
30.11.2020 Identifying Rule-Based Rationality Yoram Halevy
07.12.2020 Learning through the Grapevine: The Impact of Noise and the Breadth and Depth of Social Networks Matthew Jackson
14.12.2020 Organizational Design: Culture and Incentives Willemien Kets
11.01.2021 Epic Fail: How Below-Bid Pricing Backfires in Multiunit Auctions Alex Teytelboym
18.01.2021 Jump bidding in online auctions: An in vivo experiment Joyce Delnoij
25.01.2021 Should lawyers lie to their clients? Biased expertise in negotiations Danisz Okulicz
01.02.2021 Procrastination Markets Botond Köszegi
15.02.2021 Information Avoidance and Image Concerns in Reciprocal Decisions Ceren Ay
01.03.2021 Climate Change Catastrophes and Insuring Decisions Sara le Roux


SEAM fand in diesem Semester aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie nicht statt.








Strategic Inattention in Product Search

Adrian Hillenbrand








Does foreign aid help improve access to FDI?

Birgit Elisabeth Meyer


Fair Competition Design

Dinko Dimitrov


Perspectives on the evaluation of entrepreneurship education

Javier A. Rodríguez-Camacho


Works Councils and Performance Appraisals                                                      

Christian Grund


The English Housing Market Mechanism

Yuan Ju


The impact of voting rules on moral decision making in groups

Florian Kerzenmacher


If it Bleeds, it Leads: Attention and Negativity in Online News

Dainis Zegners


Do we talk too much? Georg Weizsäcker
27.01.2019 Privatizing Gains and Socializing Losses with and without accountability (canceled) Sascha Füllbrunn

                                                SEAM Presentations 


Unilaterally optimal climate policy and the green paradox

Mark Schopf





easter holidays



Identifying Leadership Skills Required in the Digital Age

Julia Müller


Designing Heaven's Will: Lessons in Market Design from the Chinese Imperial Civil Servants Match

Inácio Bó



Alex Krumer


Complex pricing and consumer-side attention

Tobias Wenzel


Bundling in maintenance contracts

Xinyu Li


Lone Wolf or Herd Animal? An Experiment on Choice of Information and Social Learning

Ed Hopkins


Price of Anarchy in Stochastic Atomic Congestion Games with Affine Costs 

Marc Schröder


Reciprocity and preferences for giving: A nonparametric analysis

Jan Heufer


Behavioral forces driving unraveling

Volker Benndorf


Works Councils and Performance Appraisals (canceled)

Christian Grund

09.10.2017 "Positional Preferences and Narcissistic Rivalry"  Omar Adam Ayaita  
16.10.2017 "Origins and Dynamics of State Capacity"  Thilo Huning  
23.10.2017 "Women on Corporate Boards" Kerstin Pull  
30.10.2017 (school holidays)    
06.11.2017 "GPs, Contracts and Inequalities" Oddvar Kaarbøe  
13.11.2017 “Real Effort Tasks in Economic Experiments: An Empirical Comparison of Tasks and their Behavioral Effects” Fabian Winter  
20.11.2017 "Talent Hoarding" Simon Dato  
27.11.2017 "Co-determination and gender diversity on boards – A comparative analysis for Germany and Norway" Astrid Kunze  
04.12.2017 "Salience and Online Sales: The Role of Brand Image Concerns"  Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt  
11.12.2017 "Machine Learning forPrediction Based Stratification in Economic Experiments" Tobias Aufenanger  
08.01.2018 "Incentives for conformity and disconformity" Urs Fischbacher  
15.01.2018 "Preventing the Tyranny of the Majority - Experiment on Choosing Voting Thresholds behind the Veil of Ignorance" Alex Possajennikov  
22.01.2018 „A Theory of Causal Responsibility Attribution” Florian Engl  
24.04.2017 "Suspiciously Timed Trade Disputes" by

Georg Kirchsteiger

  further information
08.05.2017 „Centralized vs. Decentralized Management: An Experimental Study” by Jordi Brandts   further information

"Shortening the potential duration of unemployment benefits and labor market out-comes: Evidence from a natural experiment in Germany" by

Christian Pfeifer   further information
22.05.2017 „Self-confidence and Unraveling in Matching Markets“ by

Dorothea Kübler

  further information
29.05.2017 „Generalized Negative Reciprocity – How to Interrupt the Chain of Unfairness“ by Sabrina Strang   further information
12.06.2017 „Retirement and mammography use: The role of organized screening programs“ by Peter Eibich   further information
19.06.2017 „Optimal Favoritism in All-Pay Auctions and Lottery Contests“ by Jörg Franke   further information
26.06.2017 „Health Services as Credence Goods - A Field Experiment” by Christian Waibel   further information
10.07.2017 „Birthright Citizenship and Discrimination in a Migration Society:  Combining a Natural Experiment with a Large-Scale Trust Experiment in Schools” by Martin Kocher   further information
17.10.2016 "Equilibria under Ambiguity for Belief Functions" by

Jürgen Eichberger

  further information
24.10.2016 "Negotiations in Stochastic Bargaining Situations: An Experimental Analysis" by Julia Müller   further information

"The effect of game/loss framing on lying behaviour" by

Franziska Heinicke   further information
07.11.2016 „Coverage Bias on Wikipedia? Evidence from German Members of Parliament“ by

Anna Kerkhof

  further information
14.11.2016 "Targeted Advertising and Entry" by Xingyi Liu   further information
21.11.2016 "A Method for Analysis of Ideal Types and Configurations" by Torsten Biemann   further information
28.11.2016 "Pharmaceutical Spending and Early-Stage Innovation in Pharmaceuticals in Europe: an Instrumental Variable Analysis" by Dimitrios Kourouklis   further information
05.12.2016 "Buyer's choice in procurement -A study based on field and laboratory data" by Timo Heinrich   further information
12.12.2016 "Suspiciously Timed Trade Disputes" by Georg Kirchsteiger   further information
19.12.2016 "Coping with Complexity - Experimental Evidence for Narrow Bracketing in Multi-Stage Contests" by Uwe Sunde   further information
09.01.2017 "The Dark Side of Reputation" by Eugen Dimant   further information
23.01.2017 "New results on trust, word-of-mouth, and the opportunity to misuse trust" by Claudia Keser   further information
30.01.2017 "Exploring the consistency of higher-order risk preferences" by Thomas Mayrhofer   further information
06.02.2017 "Eigenvalue Productivity: Measurement of Individual Contributions in Teams" by Thorsten Upmann   further information
18.04.2016 "Risk Preferences and the Financial Crisis" by Lars Schwettmann   further information
25.04.2016 "Satisfaction of basic needs as a distributive principle" by
"Between Anchors and Aspirations: A New Family of Bargaining Solutions” by
Frauke Meyer
Emin Karagözoğlu
  further information
further information


09.05.2016 "In My Backyard? Causal Effects of Physical Distance on Cooperativeness" by Nora Szech   further information
17.05.2016 “What Does a Deductible Do? The Impact of Cost-Sharing on Health Care Prices, Quantities, and Spending Dynamics” by Jonathan Kolstad   further information
23.05.2016 "Labor market gift-exchange and output market competition" by Arno Riedl   further information
30.05.2016 "Grandparents Matter: Perspectives on Intergenerational Altruism" by Luigi Mittone   further information
13.06.2016 "Plagiarism in the Social Sciences" by Gary Hoover   further information
27.06.2016 "Sleep, Health, and Human Capital: Evidence from Daylight Saving Time" by Nicolas Ziebarth   further Information
04.07.2016 "Hidden prices" by Tobias Wenzel   further information
11.07.2016 "Responsibility-based allocation of cartel damages" by Stefan Napel   further Information
18.07.2016 "The Long-run Effects of Labour Market Polarization: Evidence from German Micro Data" by Ronald Bachmann   further information

Jean-Jacques Herings

further information
02.11.2015 Dwayne D. Gremler further information
09.11.2015 Philip Yang

further information

16.11.2015 Felix Kölle further Information
30.11.2015 Joyce Delnoij further information
07.12.2015 Sander Onderstal further information
11.01.2016 Stefan Schulz-Hardt

further Information

18.01.2016 Stefan Voigt further Information
25.01.2016 Matthias Wibral further Information
01.02.2016 Markus Reisinger further Information

Ronny Freier

further information
20.04.2015 "Imposing codes of good conduct promotes social behaviour" by Uwe Dulleck further information
04.05.2015 "Predicting the Play of Others: Are Beliefs Correlated?" by Radovan Vadovič further information
11.05.2015 "Alliance formation in contests with incomplete information" by Lars Metzger  further information
18.05.2015 "Disease and fertility – Evidence from the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic in Sweden" by Nina Boberg-Fazlic

further information

01.06.2015 “Long-Term Employment Relations When Agents are Present-Biased” by Florian Englmaier further Information
08.06.2015 "How You Ask Is What You Get: Willingness-to-Pay for a QALY in Germany” by Lars Schwettmann further information
15.06.2015 „Network Design and Imperfect Defense” by Jakob Landwehr further information
22.06.2015 „Performance Dynamics and Changes of Organizational Configurations” by Johannes Meuer further information
06.07.2015 „Hypocrisy: Prevalence, Why it Thrives, and the Consequences" by Gari Walkowitz further information
13.07.2015 „How well do consumers choose health insurance? An experiment on heterogeneity in attribute tastes and risk preferences" by Johanna Kokot

further Information

13.10.2014 "How do hospitals respond to price changes? Evidence from Norway" by Oddvar M. Kaarbøe further information  
20.10.2014 "Product Innovation Incentives by an Incumbent Firm: A Dynamic Analysis" by Herbert Dawid further information  
27.10.2014 "Identifying latent interest-groups: An analysis of heterogeneous preferences for income redistribution" by Christian Pfarr further information
03.11.2014 Cheng-Zhong Qin further information
10.11.2014 Gerrit Antonides

further information


17.11.2014 Jürgen Eichberger further Information
24.11.2014 Miguel Fonseca further information
01.12.2014 Björn Frank further information
08.12.2014 Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch further information
05.01.2015 Ulrich Schmidt further information
12.01.2015 Alfredo Paloyo

further Information


Yiquan Gu - presentation has been canceled

further Information

Nastassia Leszczynska

further information
02.02.2015 Gerd Mühlheusser further Information
Damon Clark further Information

07.04.2014 Vortrag von Thomas Gries Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden
14.04.2014 Vortrag von Ronald Peeters über "Eliciting and aggregating individual expectations: An experimental study" Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden
28.04.2014 Termin noch frei  
05.05.2014 Vortrag von Anna Zaharieva über „On-the-Job Search and Optimal Schooling under Uncertainty and Irreversibility ” Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden
12.05.2014 Vortrag von Michael Roos über „An experiment on fairness in unstructured bargaining“ Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden
19.05.2014 Vortrag von Gerald Eisenkopf über „Unequal Incentives and Perceived Fairness in Groups“ Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden
26.05.2014 Vortrag von Daniel Wiesen über „Behaving kindly, talking about it, and being rewarded for it?!“ Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden
02.06.2014 Vortrag von Radovan Vadovic über „Informal Agreements“ Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden
16.06.2014 Vortrag von Adam Dominiak über „Ambiguity Aversion and Machina’s Paradoxes: A Reappraisal“ Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden
23.06.2014 Vortrag von Gary Hoover über „Temptation vs. Aspiration: An Experimental Study of the Effects of Wealth and Income Differences on Investment Behavior“ Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden
30.06.2014 Vortrag entfällt  

Vortrag von Tommaso Reggiani über „How to hire Helpers? Evidence from a Field Experiment“

Weitere Informationen zum Vortragenden

Termin noch frei

14.10.2013 "A Characterization of the Myerson Value" von Ayse Mutlu Derya  
21.10.2013 "Modern Soccer Demand" von Ruud Koning Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
28.10.2013 "Consumer confusion, obfuscation, and price regulation" von Yiquan Gu Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden

"Constitutions and Social Networks" von Nils Röhl und

"Incentive Design and Misdirected Effort" von Wendelin Schnedler

Weiterführende Informationen zu Nils Röhl

Weiterführende Informationen zu Wendelin Schnedler

11.11.2013 "Haushaltsproduktion und Vererbungsregeln in Subsistenzwirtschaften" von Evelyn Korn Weiterführende Informationen zur Vortragenden
18.11.2013 "Cognitive ability and learning to play equilibrium: A level-k analysis" von David Gill Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
25.11.2013 "Optimal Prizes in Dynamic Elimination Contests: Theory and Experimental Evidence" von Rudi Stracke

Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden

02.12.2013 "The resource curse: price volatility, poor governance and private sector development – a simple model" von Thomas Gries Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
09.12.2013 "Voting on Mechanisms" von Elisabeth Schulte Weiterführende Informationen zur Vortragenden
16.12.2013 "Voting in Agreeable Societies" von Francis Su Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
06.01.2014 "Audit Market Regulation, Concentration, and Earnings Characteristics" von Ulrike Stefani

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"Cheap talk with multiple strategically interacting audiences: An experimental study"
 von Xinyu Li

Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden

"Opinion Dynamics and Wisdom under Conformity" von Tim Hellmann

Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
27.01.2014 "The Impacts of Competition, Cooperation and Regulatory Intervention on Fees in the British Independent School Sector" von Caroline Elliott Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
03.02.2014 "The Economic Engineer arrives to the Beauty Contest" von Rosemarie Nagel Weiterführende Informationen zur Vortragenden
10.02.2013 Vortrag von Youngsub Chun Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
08.04.2013 "Sharks, Financial Firms and Systemic Risk" von Thomas Gries Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
15.04.2013 "Horizontal inequities in the German Tax-Benefit-System: The case of two wage-earner Families" von Sven Stöwhase Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
22.04.2013 "A degree-distance-based Connections Model with positive and negative externalities" von Philipp Möhlmeier Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
29.04.2013 “The Dynamics of Coalition Formation: a real-time multilateral bargaining Experiment” von Christoph Vanberg Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
06.05.2013 “Fly like an Eagle: Career Duration in the FIS Ski Jumping World Cup, 1980-2011” von Bernd Frick und Friedrich Scheel Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
13.05.2013 Vortrag entfällt  

 “A Distributional Analysis of the Benefits of Economic Freedom” von Gary Hoover

Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden

03.06.2013 “Shrouding of add-on information: an experimental study” von Tobias Wenzel Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
10.06.2013 Vortrag von Patrick Kampkötter Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
17.06.2013 Vortrag von Peter Werner Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
24.06.2013 Vortrag entfällt  

"…and they are really lying: Clean Evidence on the Pervasiveness of Cheating in Professional Contexts from a Field Experiment“ von Behnud Mir Djawadi

Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden

"Reference prices and co-payment exemptions: Pricing strategies of innovators and generic producers in the German market for pharmaceuticals" von Anika Herr

Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
15.07.2013 "Auctions and the Theory of Demand” von Stephan Rometsch Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
08.10.2012 Vortrag von Johannes Koenen Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
15.10.2012 „How do subjects view multiple sources of ambiguity?“ von Wendelin Schnedler Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
22.10.2012 kein Vortrag aufgrund des Jubiläums der Universität  
29.10.2012 kein Vortrag aufgrund des Jubiläums der Universität  
05.11.2012 "Gender, productivity, and differences in cooperativeness: evidence from a real-effort experiment" von Vanessa Mertins Weiterführende Informationen zur Vortragenden
12.11.2012 “Collapsing Morale in Bureaucratic Environments” von Wendelin Schnedler Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
19.11.2012 „Wage Bargaining: Right to Manage versus Efficient Bargaining“ von Oliver Claas Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
26.11.2012 “Who is the first to apply Perron-Frobenius Theorem to Economic Research: Two possible candidates“ von Kenji Mori Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
03.12.2012 Vortrag von Dirk Sliwka Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
10.12.2012 "Subjective Performance Evaluations and Employee Careers" von Ben Kriechel Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
17.12.2012 "Auction Format and Auction Sequence in Multi-Item Multi-Unit Auctions - An Experimental Study" von Ben Greiner Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
07.01.2013 "Centralized bargaining in press wholesale" von Johannes Münster Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
14.01.2013 „Procedural Fairness and Disparate Impacts - Testing for Discrimination Using Anonymous Entry Exams and Job Perfomance Measures As Benchmarks” von Patrick Puhani Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
21.01.2013 "Markets and Morals" von Nora Szech Weiterführende Informationen zur Vortragenden
28.01.2013 Vortrag von Bodo Steiner Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
02.04.2012 Spezialauftaktstreffen  
16.04.2012 "Technology Adoption and Adaptation to Climate Change - A Case-Based Approach" von Ani Guerdjikova Weiterführende Informationen zur Vortragenden
23.04.2012 ”The Costs and Benefits of Multi-tasking“ von Guido Friebel Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
30.04.2012 „Robust location choices on tree networks“ von Berno Büchel Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
07.05.2012 "Solutions to Bargaining Problems and Efficient Ricardo Production" von Joachim Rosenmüller Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
14.05.2012 "Losing my religion: The impact of taxation on church affiliation in Germany" von Robert Simmons Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
21.05.2012 "Premium Auctions and Risk Preferences: An Experimental Study" von Christoph Brunner Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
04.06.2012 “Strategic Decision Making in Networks: A Simulation Approach“ von Stephan Henneberg Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
11.06.2012 "Returns to Training" von Jan Sauermann Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
18.06.2012 “Plagiarism in Economics“ von Gary A. Hoover Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
25.06.2012 "Labor unions as clubs" von Julio Robledo Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
02.07.2012 „Personal values and moral motivation: disentangling moral integrity and moral hypocrisy“ von Bernd Irlenbusch Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
09.07.2012 “Relational Incentive Contracts for Envious Workers” von Jenny Kragl Weiterführende Informationen zur Vortragenden
10.10.2011 "Temporary Contracts across Generations" von Prof. Miguel Malo Weiterführende Informationen zum VortragendenPaper
17.10.2011 "Personal Punishment" von Dr. Peter Dürsch Weiterführende Informationen zum VortragendenPaper
24.10.2011 "When to attack the oppressive Government" von Natasa Bilkic Weiterführende Informationen zur VortragendenPaper
31.10.2011 Kennenlernen bei Kaffee und Kuchen  
07.11.2011 "Trade and Fertility" von Rainer Grundmann Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
14.11.2011 "On the egalitarian Weights of Nations" von Prof. Dr. Stefan Napel Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
21.11.2011 "Bye Bye, G.I. - The Impact of the U.S. Military Drawdown on Local German Labor Markets" von Jan Peter aus dem Moore Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
28.11.2011 “Monitored by your Friends, not your Foes: Strategic Ignorance and the Delegation of real Authority“ von Dr. Ferdinand von Siemens Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
05.12.2011 "The Impact of Financial Incentives on Adherence to Therapeutic Treatment - Insights from an Economic Experiment" von Prof. Dr. René Fahr Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
12.12.2011 “Trade Openness and Economic Growth: A Panel Causality Analysis“ von Margarete Redlin Weiterführende Informationen zur Vortragenden
19.12.2011 Weihnachts-Beisammensein “Economics and Management”  
09.01.2012 "Probabilistic Transitivity in Sports" von Christoph Kuzmics Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
16.01.2012 "Voluntary Leadership in an Experimental Trust Game" von Prof. Dr. Manfred Königstein Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
23.01.2012 “The Firm as the Locus of Social Comparisons: Internal Labor Markets versus Up-or-out“ von Prof. Dr. Frauke Lammers Weiterführende Informationen zur Vortragenden
30.01.2012 "Distorted Behavior in Moral Hazard Models" von Prof. Dr. Wendelin Schnedler Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden
06.02.2012 „Leader Punishment and Cooperation in Groups: Experimental Evidence from Commons Management in Ethiopia“ von Prof. Dr. Michael Kosfeld Weiterführende Informationen zum Vortragenden