Learning from each other and generating ideas

Our research thrives on networking and exchange. The seminar series and workshops enable our young researchers to familiarise themselves with the research work of guest researchers from all over the world and to present their own work and ideas and develop them further in discussions.

An­nu­al fac­ulty re­search work­shop

Our annual research workshop promotes the exchange of research work within the entire faculty. This is a particularly good opportunity for young researchers to present their current work. Every two years, we leave the familiar university environment to further strengthen the sense of community.

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Top­ic-spe­cif­ic re­search sem­inars

Viele Personen sitzen in einem Raum.

Tax­a­tion, Ac­count­ing & Fin­ance Sem­inars (TAF/TRR266)

In the TRR 266/TAF seminars, renowned researchers from all over the world present their results. The work is prepared together in advance and the methods are critically discussed. Brown bag seminars also offer doctoral candidates a critical discussion platform with the entire faculty for their work in the development phase.

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Eco­nom­ics and Man­age­ment (SEAM)

Guest researchers will present their current research. Following the presentation, participants can exchange their ideas in the research café. From current trends to the challenges of tomorrow - the seminar brings experts together to deepen their insights and explore synergies.

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In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment & En­gin­eer­ing (PRIME)

As part of the PRIME research seminar, the Department of Information Systems invites leading academic personalities and promising young researchers in the field of information systems to Paderborn University.

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Teamgespräch mit Diskussion an Besprechungstisch.

Busi­ness Edu­ca­tion (Tri­DokSe)

The annual doctoral candidate seminar organised by the University of Cologne and BIBB offers doctoral candidates in the field of VET research the opportunity to present their projects to an interested audience of experts, to receive impulses and suggestions and to network through lectures and workshops.

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Quant­it­at­ive meth­ods (QED)

The aim of the two-day workshop is to promote a productive research atmosphere and offer young researchers a space to constructively discuss new or existing research ideas in the econometric, experimental and theoretical fields.

Further qualification programmes

Drei Personen besprechen sich.

Doctoral programme

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Mehrere Personen an einem Besprechungstisch.

Interdisciplinary qualification programmes

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Two people are looking at a 3D print.

Stays abroad during the doctorate

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity stu­dents hon­oured at the Ex­cel­lence For­um 2024

Traffic accidents caused by delivery services, reusable parcels in online retail or climate policy for central banks: at this year's Excellence Forum, students from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics had the opportunity to present the topics of their own research. The Excellence Forum 2024 took place on 21 June and served as a platform for excellent students to present their academic work for the second time. In the Excellence…

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Lead­er­ship les­sons from pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball

Uwe Hünemeier visits Paderborn University Students on Prof Dr Kirsten Thommes' "Organisational Behaviour" module were able to experience football from a completely different perspective. SC Paderborn 07 co-trainer Uwe Hünemeier visited Paderborn University and gave an insight into leadership lessons from professional football. Some students were initially unable to believe that what they had learnt at university would also play a role in…

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New co­oper­a­tion between Pader­born Uni­ver­sity and the Uni­ver­sity of Geor­gia

Paderborn University has initiated an important international partnership with the University of Georgia (UGA), USA. The cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University and the University of Georgia was signed at a ceremony last week. International cooperation for innovation and entrepreneurship The aim of the cooperation is to promote student exchange between the two universities in…

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"Be a Horst" - New Horst Gräfer Award spon­sors people with stam­ina

Sometimes it's not so easy to achieve your goals and sometimes you have to take a few detours to get where you want to go. This year, for the first time, the Horst Gräfer Prize 2024 is intended to support precisely those people who stand up for their goals, no matter how difficult they are to achieve. Prof Dr Horst Gräfer was a university lecturer at Paderborn University from 1972 to 2005 and was particularly distinguished by his unconventional…

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Paderborn University and its cooperation partners have made it into the top 15 in the "EXIST-Startup Factories" lighthouse competition. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck presented the university's representatives with the certificate for the concept phase funding at the EXIST Congress in Berlin at the beginning of June. EXIST is a funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) with the aim of…

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New re­search centre for sus­tain­ab­il­ity at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

"Paderborn Research Centre for Sustainable Economy" officially opened Sustainability is becoming increasingly important: in society, in business and in science. As an important topic for the future, it is already permeating almost all areas of life. With the "Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy" - PARSEC for short - the Paderborn University is instituting a research centre that aims to establish itself as a trusted partner for…

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Mac­roe­co­nom­ics and glob­al­isa­tion: an in­dis­pens­able link

In his research, Prof. Dr. Daniel Baumgarten deals intensively with the consequences of the global division of labour on the German economy. In essence, it is about what kind of value creation takes place in Germany and what effects it has on activities in Germany. In his research, the newly appointed researcher shows how closely global economic developments are linked to our daily lives. His work contributes to a better understanding of complex…

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Work­arounds as a driver for pro­cess in­nov­a­tions

New study examines the role of workarounds in organisations As targeted deviations from standard procedures, workarounds enable employees to overcome hurdles and increase their overall productivity. Although their use is widespread in organisations, many aspects have been little researched to date. Researchers at Paderborn University are now investigating the extent to which workarounds can innovate processes and thus help companies remain…

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Dean of Re­search

Prof. Dr. Wendelin Schnedler

Paderborn University