PRIME - Paderborn Research Colloquium on Information Management & Engineering

As part of the PRIME research seminar, the Department of Information Systems invites leading researchers and promising young researchers in the field of information systems to Paderborn University.

Prof. Ser­­ge­ja Slap­n­i­­car "Meas­ure­ment and man­age­ment of cy­ber risk"

On July 02, 2024, Prof. Sergeja Slapnicar (University of Queensland, Australia) will give a talk entitled "Measurement and management of cyber risk" as part of the TRR 266/TAF Research Workshop (TAF Department) and PRIME Seminar (Information Systems Department). The talk will take place at 16:00 in room Q5.245. Those interested are cordially invited. Sergeja Slapnicar is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Queensland…

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PRIME: Prof. Fethi Rabhi, UN­SW „On­to­logy-driv­en Ar­chi­tec­ture for Man­aging ESG Met­rics”

Name: Prof. Fethi Rabhi Organisation: University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Position: Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering Titel des Vortrags: Ontology-driven Architecture for Managing ESG Metrics Abstract: The burgeoning significance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics in realms such as investment decision-making, corporate reporting, and risk management underscores the imperative for a robust,…

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Prof. Dr. Patrick Zschech

PRIME: Prof. Dr. Patrick Zschech, Uni­versität Leipzig, „Design­ing a Neur­al Ques­tion-An­swer­ing Sys­tem for Times of (In­form­a­tion) Crises“

As part of the PRIME (Paderborn Research Colloquium on Information Management & Engineering), the Department of Information Systems welcomes Prof. Dr. Patrick Zschech from the University of Leipzig today. We are looking forward to his presentation ""Designing a Neural Question-Answering System for Times of (Information) Crises". Abstract: Eras of crisis are attributed to a high uncertainty that require rich information to navigate potentially…

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Alessio Maria Braccini is a Full Professor of Business Organization and Information Systems at the Department of Economics Engineering Society and Busienss Organization (DEIM) at the University of Tuscia (Italy). He obtained a PhD in Management of Information Systems from LUISS Guido Carli University (Rome) under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro D’Atri. At the University of Tuscia, he teaches Digital Business Organization and Organization…

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PRIME: Prof. Dr. Susanne Strahringer, Tech­nis­che Uni­versität Dresden "Mul­tiple Mini Case Stud­ies – Con­demned to be Mar­gin­al?"

Abstract: Case study research is among the most used research methods in the Information Systems discipline. Over the last years, an increasing number of publications use case studies with only few sources of evidence, such as single interviews per case. While there is a lot of methodological guidance on how to rigorously conduct multiple case studies, it remains unclear how researchers may achieve an acceptable level of rigor for this emerging…

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