The Faculty Research Workshop

First launched in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in 2006, the biennial Faculty Research Workshop promotes the exchange of research work within the entire Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. This is a particularly good opportunity for junior researchers to present their current work and discuss it with members from all departments of the Faculty. Every two years, a different location is chosen for the Faculty Research Workshop, so that by leaving the familiar university environment, space is created for new ideas and the lectures, discussions and poster sessions can be supplemented with connecting activities. This strengthens the sense of community and connects all faculty members in the long term to hopefully initiate joint research proposals and strengthen the quality of doctoral projects.

The upcoming Faculty Research Workshop 2024 will take place from 28 August to 30 August in Bad Arolsen. More detailed information will be linked on the event page .


Re­view of past fac­ulty re­search work­shops

Fac­ulty re­search work­shop 2022 in Melle

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University held its regular faculty research workshop in Melle from 26 to 28 September.

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Fac­ulty re­search work­shop 2021 in hy­brid form

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University held its regular faculty research workshop on 18 November this year in a hybrid format with face-to-face presentations and digital transmission due to the current pandemic.

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Fac­ulty re­search work­shop 2020 in di­git­al form

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University held its regular faculty research workshop on 12 November this year, and due to the current pandemic, it took place exclusively digitally.

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Fac­ulty re­search work­shop 2019 in Melle

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University held its regular faculty research workshop this year in Melle from 11 to 13 September.

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Fac­ulty re­search work­shop 2017 in Lippstadt

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University held its regular faculty research workshop this year from 6 to 8 September in Lippstadt.

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Fac­ulty re­search work­shop 2015 in Bad Arolsen

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University held its regular Faculty Research Workshop this year from 16 to 18 September in Bad Arolsen. The event promotes the exchange of research work within the entire Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

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Your con­tact

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Prof. Dr. Wendelin Schnedler

Dekanat Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Vice Dean for Research and Early Career Researchers

Write email +49 5251 60-2123